Page 22 of Daddy's Little Runaway (Daddy 11)
Chapter Ten
Devon woke the following day with an armful of a sweet woman. It was the best morning he thought he’d ever had and wondered if they would have many more together. He dreamed of a time he’d be able to roll her onto her back and slide into her damp heat before she woke up in the mornings.
He kissed the top of her head and carefully slid out of bed so he wouldn’t wake her up. After a shower, he went into the kitchen to start coffee and breakfast.
Emma was eating better, but she would still need many meals to put pounds back on her delicate frame, so he decided on French toast. It wasn’t the healthiest meal to give her, but it had the calories she needed.
His phone rang as he was finishing the meal.
“Hey, Devon, It’s Cason. I got ahold of a detective who’s arrested Emma’s mom a few times. The woman is bad news.”
“I figured that out after meeting her. I’d really like to talk to him and see the options to get her out of the house. I also have Marek checking to see if he can find anything. If she’s strong enough, I plan on taking Emma to see her aunt and ask her questions about a will that Emma’s grandmother left and tell her the whole story about what’s been happening.”
“I’ll talk to Jefferson, Lacey’s father’s lawyer, and see if he can look into some things.”
“That would be great.”
“Another reason I called is Lacey would like to see her today if it’s okay with you.”
“Sure. I think she’d like that. She’s still sleeping, but I’ll call after she’s up and had breakfast.”
“Also, before you hang up, if you’re planning on going to personally kick the bitch out, I’d like to come.”
Devon chuckled. “I’ll be sure to contact you before I leave.”
“You better. Why should you get all the fun?”
He laughed. “Talk to you later.” After he hung up, he checked on Emma and found her sitting on the side of the bed.
“Hey, baby. How are you feeling?”
She smiled over her shoulder at him. “Better. My arm still hurts but not like it did.”
“Good. I’ve got breakfast ready. I thought you could eat, and then I’ll help you shower. After that, we’ll change your bandage.”
“Good. If you feel up for it, I thought we could go visit your aunt.”
Her eyes widened. “Really?”
“Sure. And if you’re not too tired, Lacey would like to visit later.”
“I’d really like to see her.”
“All right.” He held out his hand and was pleased when she came to him and put hers in his.