Page 21 of Daddy's Little Runaway (Daddy 11)
He took her hand and helped her step into the tub. She sat down and leaned back.
“Oh, this feels so good.”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”
She was vaguely aware of Devon placing her arm on a folded towel on the wide rim of the tub.
“Do you think you can leave it there while I wash you?”
Her eyes opened. “Yes. I promise to hold really still.”
He chuckled and reached for a washcloth. Then he added some gel to it.
“That smells good. What is it?”
“Lacey said it was called Vanilla Splash.”
“I like it.”
He grinned. “I like it, too.”
When the cloth he was using glided over her body, she bit back a moan. She wanted him to linger at her breasts or between her legs. Although he cleaned every inch of her body, he did it quickly and without a lot of emotion.
Maybe he wasn’t attracted to her? That was very possible, and it made her sad. She wanted to ask him but became shy. The thought of asking him that kind of question made her anxious. She’d be so embarrassed if he told her he wasn’t attracted to her.
When he was finished bathing her, he let her lay back and relax.
She became drowsy and closed her eyes. Even though the arousal he had caused was still there, she still had a lot of sleep to catch up on.
“I think you’re about done, pet. Let’s get you out.”
He helped her to stand on the bathmat and then used a towel to dry her. Once again, he didn’t miss a spot, and there was still no reaction from him, except he seemed to be gritting his teeth, and a muscle in his jaw throbbed.
“Are you mad at me?”
He glanced at her in surprise. “No, not at all.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“What made you think I was?”
“Your face got hard.”
A look crossed his face that she couldn’t decipher.
“No, pet. Not at all. I just want to get you comfortable so you can rest.”
She bit down on her lip to keep herself from asking more questions.
He walked away and came back with another shirt of his.
“Let’s get this on you. Lacey also sent some new panties down, so we’ll put a pair of them on.” He held up the package. “Is there any color you prefer?”
A smile grew across her face at the rainbow colors of the panties. “Is there purple or pink?”
“Both. Pick which one.”
“Purple tonight and pink tomorrow.”
He chuckled. “That sounds like a good plan.”
He squatted in front of her, and she set her hands on his shoulders to step into the underwear.
“There we go. Let’s get your teeth brushed and then into bed. You can look for a movie while I shower.”
Within two minutes, he was tucking her into bed.
“I’ll be right back.”
She watched the door close behind him and had an immense urge to walk into the bathroom because she wanted to see him naked. Most of his body had been visible the night before, but she hadn’t been able to see his penis.
What if he really wasn’t attracted to her and she never got a chance to see him? God, that would break her heart.
She had no idea how long she sat and stared at the door, but she was pulled out of daydreaming when the door opened, and he stepped out in shorts again.
He chuckled. “Honey, you haven’t even turned on the television.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I guess I spaced out.”
He climbed into bed beside her and took the remote from her. “I know it’s early, but would you rather just go to sleep?”
She nodded. “If it’s okay with you.”
“It’s fine.”
“Will you hold me as you did earlier?”
“Yes, baby. Of course, I will. Let’s get you situated, so you’re comfortable.”
She lay on her side with her back to his chest and waited until he moved into place. Only when his arm rested on her waist, and she could feel his breath against the back of her head, was she able to relax and close her eyes.
“Good night, Devon.”
She felt him kiss the back of her head and smiled.
“Good night, baby.”