Page 97 of The Shifting Sands Beneath Us
James was gone long before I woke up this morning. I briefly woke up to hear him stomping around the room, but it wasn’t even light out yet. I went back to sleep until my alarm went off. Now I stood outside my new office. Well, it wasn’t technically mine, but it was where I would come every morning, giving me new inspiration in my day to day life.
I dressed in my best office attire, though I would have to pick up a few new things. I didn’t want to look like a rich wife that was tagging along on jobs. I wanted to be taken seriously, so that meant dressing like the others in the office. Pushing the door open, I stepped inside the lobby and walked over to the wall where the list of offices was located.
“Need some help?” I heard the familiar voice behind me.
Turning around, I smiled at Charlie. “Hey, it’s good to see you.”
“I wasn’t expecting you here today.”
“Did you know they hired me?”
“No, but I suspected they would.”
James’s warning about them hiring me because they knew they didn’t need to pay me rang in my ears, but I shoved it down. I didn’t need that kind of negativity today. “And why did you suspect that?”
“Well, I told my boss about my trip to your apartment, at great risk to my own job, I might add. He seemed a little disappointed at first that I didn’t know what my client wanted, but when I explained how you went in the complete opposite direction of what anyone would expect for decorating a space like that, he decided I wasn’t a complete failure.”
“Well, I’m glad you weren’t fired or something equally crazy.”
“Quite the opposite, and when I told him you were interested in the intern spot, he was intrigued.”
Against my better judgment, I asked the question burning in my mind. “So, I wasn’t hired because of my name?”
He actually looked shocked by the question. “Seriously? You should know that my bosses won’t care what your last name is. If you fuck up, they won’t give you a second chance. It’s not the way this company works.”
Relief flooded me and I smiled up at him. “That’s great to know. I would never want the job because of who I am.”
“Well, don’t be too happy. It still doesn’t pay anything.”
“I’m perfectly fine with that. I just want to learn.”
“Let’s head upstairs. I’m pretty sure your first couple of weeks are going to be pretty boring. Fetching coffee isn’t exactly a thrilling prospect.”
I snorted at that as we walked to the elevators. “Believe me, I’m willing to work my way up. Besides, the only other option is staying at home and watching the apartment come together. And that sounds as boring as watching paint dry.”
We stepped onto the elevators and he hit the button for the 4thfloor. “I hope you get to go out to meet some clients. I think you’ll do a great job.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
We stepped off and he walked me over to the reception desk. “Carly, this is Rose. She’s starting today as an intern.”
The woman stood with a bright smile on her face. “It’s so nice to meet you. I’ll call Mark and let him know you’re here.”
“Who is Mark?” I asked, not sure who we were talking about.
“He’s the boss.”
My eyebrows rose. “As in…”
“Yep, as in owner of the company.”
“And he wants to meet with me?”
Charlie laughed slightly. “He meets with everyone. He likes to know everyone working here.”
I thought back to the first day I walked into James’s building, how cold and stiff everything felt. Everyone here was so welcoming. I glanced around the office, loving how all the employees were smiling and so friendly. This was definitely an atmosphere I could work in.