Page 96 of The Shifting Sands Beneath Us
Munch. So, she was having cravings. With a smile plastered on my face, I followed her into the dining room where she already had dinner set out for me. Like she was trained to do it, she poured me a glass of whiskey and set it beside my plate. Then she took the seat beside me.
“Dinner looks delicious,” I said, as if she cooked it.
“Yes, I take all the credit. I asked Mrs. Bryant to make something special for tonight. Unfortunately, I had to eat on my own. I was hungry and didn’t feel like waiting.”
I covered her hand with mine and smiled. “I completely understand. I’m going to do my best to get home early from now on.”
“Yeah, you keep saying that.”
I cut into my steak and chewed on the first bite. “So, tell me your exciting news.”
“Well, as you may have guessed already based on our earlier conversation, I’m redoing the apartment.”
I took a sip of my whiskey and nodded. “I’m assuming you’re planning on making some major renovations. Any room in particular?” I asked, thinking there was going to be a decked out nursery in our future.
“Yes, one room, but really all of them. I want this to be a home.”
“I do too. In fact, I think it’s just what we need for what’s coming. Do you think they’ll be done in time?”
“In time for what?” she asked, confused by the question.
“In time for the baby.”
I chewed another bite as she stiffened beside me. “James, we already talked about this. I’m not having a baby under contract.”
“But you said you had exciting news.” I narrowed my eyes at her, wondering what the hell she was getting at.
“Yes, but—you thought I was pregnant?”
“What else would I think? You kept dropping all these hints about what to expect.”
“I was dropping hints because I got a job.”
The last remains of my smile fell from my face and my stomach dropped. “You’re not pregnant.”
“No,” she answered forcefully. “I met with the designer and he mentioned he had an intern spot open. When I asked about it, he told me to send over my resume. I’m guessing it wasn’t just my degree that got me the job, but I’m not about to be upset that your name got me the job.”
“It doesn’t even pay anything?” I snapped, my anger growing by the minute.
She pursed her lips, her nostrils flaring. “No, it’s not. Why should it matter? You have more money than you know what to do with.”
“And because you have that money too, they knew they could get more out of you than anybody else that applied. Christ, Rose. Did you even think this through?”
She shoved her chair back and glared at me. “I have nothing going for me right now, James. You have your multibillion dollar corporation to run. And what do I have? Should I sit around the apartment waiting for the perfect job to come up, that you approve of?”
“Of course not, but at least have a little respect for yourself. Anyone else would only last a few months without pay. They can pretty much have you work for free for as long as they want because they know you don’t need the money!”
“Even if that’s true, I can gain experience from this and move on somewhere else. Why can’t you be happy for me?”
“Rose, you can’t be this stupid. Think about this. You’re rich and married to a Langston. If it’s not just the fact that they don’t have to pay you, they’re probably using you for your contacts.”
“What are you talking about?”
“They’re using you because of who you know, hoping that will bring in more business for them. And they get it all for free, without having to lift a finger, because you just put yourself at their mercy.”
“Did you stop and think that I might be good at the job, and they might offer me a position after a while?”
“No, it didn’t cross my mind, because I have interns too, and I know how they’re treated!”
“Then maybe you should reconsider those minions that work under you, cleaning up after you fucked your wife on the desk!” she yelled before storming off. Sighing, I tossed down my napkin and abandoned my dinner at the table. Grabbing my drink, I stormed off to find a quiet place to work. At least I didn’t need to worry about waiting for her to fall asleep tonight.