Page 44 of The Shifting Sands Beneath Us
I glanced over at Shane and James who were still deep in conversation, though to be honest, James looked just as lost as I felt. And worse, they were ruining my afternoon by coming over here to complain about great sex. I wasn’t sure where to go with that.
“Are you even listening to me?”
My gaze snapped back to Clarissa’s. “What do you want me to say? You’re in an argument now. Go have makeup sex.”
“I’m not giving into him. That’s like letting him win. No, if he wants makeup sex, he’s going to have to apologize.”
“I don’t think he even knows what to apologize for.”
“That’s not my problem. If he wants to experience makeup sex, then he has to do some groveling.”
Leaning in closer, I whispered. “Is it good?”
“Makeup sex?”
She shrugged. “Never had it.”
“Then how do you know it’s good?”
“Well…obviously, I don’t. But if he wants it so bad, that must mean it’s really good, right?”
“Unless he doesn’t know what it’s like either,” I said thoughtfully.
We both turned and stared at the men. “Which one of us do you think is supposed to apologize?”
“I have no idea. Do you think it matters?”
“Let’s look this up.” She pulled out her phone and googledRules of makeup sex.“Okay, don’t have sex out of spite.” She frowned, looking up at me. “It says not to bring your anger into the bedroom, but to channel it into passion. I’m confused, how do you separate the two?”
“Not only that, did you and Shane actually have a fight?”
“I’m not sure. I mean, I did hit him, but then we had sex.”
“You looked like you were angry when you came in here,” I remarked.
“Well, because he was being an ass. But it’s not like I’m actually upset with him. I’m more annoyed than anything.”
I didn’t know where to go with that. “Okay, what else does it say?”
“Don’t assume that just because you have sex the issue is resolved.Okay, but how do you have sex, without being angry, and funnel that into passion, but then still be angry afterward?”
“And why is it called makeup sex if you don’t get over your anger?”
“It says that sex is a bridge to where you’re going, but it’s not the destination.”
“Let me see that,” I said, snatching the phone out of her hands. “Well, that just doesn’t make sense.Think of makeup sex as a pause button that will help you bond before you get to the real issue.” I was stumped. I stared at her, trying to figure that one out. “Okay, so if it’s a pause button, aren’t you basically having hate sex?”
“Google hate sex versus makeup sex. There’s got to be an explanation.”
I did as she asked, but I wasn’t finding anything on the subject. “They only talk about breakup sex and makeup sex. Does that mean hate sex isn’t a thing?”
“Wait, so did we really have makeup sex then?”
“I have no idea. I mean, you did punch him, and then you kissed him. That’s sort of like having a fight.”
She laughed at that. “Yeah, the shortest fight in history.”