Page 43 of The Shifting Sands Beneath Us
Shane was in the living room with James, waving his arms angrily and pointing at himself, at James, and then over at us. I grabbed a glass and poured myself some wine. This had better be good to interrupt my day with James.
“So, tell me what happened? You were with the guy one night.”
She snorted, grabbing the glass out of my hand.
She downed the entire glass in one gulp, which impressed me more than anything, so I let her thievery slide. “That bad, huh?”
“That good,” she said, cringing at the probable burn from chugging that much wine at once. “It was…the most intense night of my life.”
I could understand that completely, considering what James and I had spent the night doing. “So, why are you two fighting?”
She slammed the glass down on the counter, glaring at me like I had done something to offend her. “He’s too good in bed and he knows it.”
I nodded, still not understanding. “And that’s a problem.”
“Oh, please. There’s only one thing worse than a man that’s bad in bed, and that’s a man that’s too good in bed.”
“Because he gives lots of orgasms.”
“Because he’s cocky enough to do whatever he wants afterwards. Do you know that he woke me out of a dead sleep to drag me out to the couch?”
“To sleep?”
“Well, it sure as hell wasn’t for sex,” she snapped.
“What did you do?” I asked, pouring us both a glass of wine. I was completely wrapped up in this story now. It was rare that Clarissa told me anything about her sex life. She wasn’t exactly private, but I always got the feeling she was holding out to tell me when something…or someone really good came along.
“I did what any normal woman would do. I punched him in the face, grabbed him by the balls, and dragged him back into bed with me.”
I shook my head slightly. “That’s…I don’t think any normal woman would do that.”
She cocked her head at me. “Really?”
“If a man tried to kick me out of bed, I would probably walk away, hurt and angry.”
“Huh. It never occurred to me to have that kind of reaction. Anyway, the sex was really hot after that.”
“So, what’s the problem?”
“The problem is that he thought he was getting makeup sex.”
“Isn’t that sort of what you gave him?”
“No, I gave him hate sex.”
I was getting confused now. I heard legends of these different types of sex, but honestly, I’d only ever had normal sex. And now that I admitted that to myself, I felt kind of boring in comparison.
“Wait, wouldn’t hate sex be really…”
“Crazy? Wild? Oh, yeah. He’s going to have a lot to clean up, and possibly replace. There was quite a bit broken.”
I rubbed at my head, not sure where to go with this. “Wait, so if you gave him sex so good that you broke stuff, how is he upset about this?”
“I don’t know!” she threw up her hands. “Apparently, it was really important to him to have makeup sex. He said something about it being a myth and I was only proving that.”