Page 16 of The Shifting Sands Beneath Us
“How do you figure?”
“Um…based on the length of them?” the other one said sarcastically.
I held my hand over the edge of my sunglasses to block out the remaining sun, trying to see who was arguing. I trudged up the sandy beach to the worn house sitting further up the shore. As I moved closer, I realized it was James, and he seemed to be in some kind of tug of war with another man, who sort of looked like a surfer.
“Just give them to me if you’re too weak to carry them.”
“Weak? My muscles are twice the size of yours.”
“Only if you flex them. That doesn’t count.”
I stifled a laugh, but it was too late. They both turned and stared at me. The man beside James dropped the planks right on James’s feet.
“Ow! That was my foot, asshole,” Surfer dude complained.
“Shut up. There’s a lady standing there.”
“I can see that.”
I finished walking up to them, smiling as I approached James. The scruff on his jaw was thicker this morning, like he rolled out of bed and didn’t bother to shave. Today, he wore cargo shorts and a black tank top, showcasing his gorgeous muscles. It was hard to tear my gaze from his arms, but I couldn’t just stand there staring at him, no matter how much I wanted to.
“Getting into trouble already?” I asked.
“Now, Rose, just stand back. I can’t be held responsible for what this savage does,” he warned me teasingly.
“Savage,” the surfer man snorted. “Of the two of us, who looks the most like a wild, crazy man to you?”
I thought he was talking to James, but then he pointedly looked at me. “You’re asking me?”
He crossed his arms over his chest, flexing his muscles. “So, which one of us?”
My eyes flicked to James for some kind of confirmation that I was supposed to answer, but based on the twinkle in his eyes, this was some kind of game. “Well, clearly you’re both crazy. You’re arguing over who has the bigger pile of wood.”
The man arched an eyebrow at me. “That would definitely be me.”
I blushed furiously, dropping my gaze for a moment before peeking up at James. His eyes were practically on fire as he stared at me. Thank God, he couldn’t see my eyes. I was sure every emotion was written in them.
“If I had known you two would be over here arguing about who’s the strongest at the asscrack of dawn, I would have joined in the challenge.”
“You think you can beat us?” the surfer dude asked.
“I may be small, but I’m very strong.” Okay, that was only partially a lie.
Surfer guy slung his hands on his hips, the sweat trickling down his body was already leaving sweat stains. They must have been at this for a while. “Well, you can’t join. Guys only.”
James grinned at me, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Old college rivalry. Rose, this is Fletch.”
“Fletch?” I asked. “Did your parents not like you?”
“Actually, no,” the man answered, running his hand through the dark brown, silky strands of his hair. “It’s Shane, but hardly anyone calls me that.”
“Hmm. Fletch makes it sound like I should be throwing something toward the ocean. You’re not going to bark at me, are you?”
“I never bark at friends,” he said, his grin growing wider.
“Now, hang on,” James interrupted, holding out his hand as if to stop the conversation. “Aren’t you going to test him like you did with me?”
“On what?”