Page 15 of The Shifting Sands Beneath Us
“I know,” I sighed. “I wasn’t even planning on it. It’s just…we saw each other at dinner and then he walked me home. Everything was fun and light. I’ve never had that before.”
“You could have that with Alexander.”
I snorted at that. “Yeah, in his expensive suit and women flocking to him. Sure, we could be really happy.”
“And you think this man could make you happy? Does he have any idea who you are?”
“We just met. I don’t even know his last name.”
“And when he finds out yours, he’ll go running for the hills. No man would fight someone like Alexander. You would have to have the best pussy in the world.”
I sighed, hating this conversation. “I guess it’s a good thing we’ll never find out.”
“How good your pussy is or if he’s willing to fight for you?”
“Both? It’s not like I would go near Alexander with a ten foot pole. God knows how many women he’s slept with.”
“So, your plan is to never sleep with him?”
“Not if I can help it. It’s not like he’s attracted to me anyway.”
“Well, you are a few states away from him.”
“He didn’t protest.”
Clarissa made a disapproving sound on the other end. “You know what happens if anyone finds out.”
“This isn’t my life, Clarissa. I didn’t choose this.”
“Actually, you did.”
“It was the best of two outcomes,” I argued. “The point is, I wanted to feel that connection with a man, and it’s very possible I could have felt it with James. There was definitely something there, but because I’m not free, I’ll never know if it’ll go anywhere.”
“Do you need me to come stay with you?”
I laughed humorlessly. “I’m twenty-seven years old. I think I can manage a vacation on my own.”
“I’m not so sure about that. Look, I’m in Hawaii for two more days. I could swing by and—”
“It’s not necessary,” I said, cutting her off. “I’m not going to do anything stupid. I was just thinking about what could have been.”
“You know I hate this for you,” she sighed. “I wish you could take back what you did.”
“I wish that too, but unfortunately, what’s done is done.”
“Just promise me you won’t do something you’ll regret.”
“I promise. Now, go enjoy the rest of your vacation and stop worrying about me.”
It took another ten minutes to get her off the phone, and when I finally hung up, I felt mentally drained. Taking my coffee mug inside, I set it on the counter and pulled on some shorts and a tank top. It was already too hot to wear my hair down, so I twisted it up in a bun and headed out with my sunglasses to enjoy the beach.
The sandals I wore barely protected my feet from the already hot sand. Despite the cool breeze, I knew if I stayed out in the sun too long, I would burn. I just wouldn’t feel it until it was too late. I could have put on sunscreen, but I was a rebel. Well, I was now. After being told my whole life to put on sunscreen to protect my skin, I just didn’t care anymore.
I wasn’t sure how long I walked along the surf, just enjoying the beauty surrounding me, but my stomach was starting to grumble. I was just about to turn back when I heard two men arguing. Brushing the windswept strands of hair from my face, I walked closer to the voices. One of them sounded like James, but I couldn’t picture him yelling at anyone.
“I’m carrying twice the stack of planks you are!”
“Oh, bullshit. Your boards are smaller.”