Page 9 of Southern Heat
“Is this the only way you can get a wife, by kidnapping one? Because there’s no way I’ll agree to marry you. As for your gibberish the other night, I’m a grown woman I don’t need you or anybody else to run my life for me.”
“Too bad, because when we get married, that’s just the way things are gonna be. I’m the man, what I say goes and if you don’t like it, well then a nice hand to your backside should take care of that.”
He had the nerve to grin at me after saying that. I should really just marry him to kill him on the wedding night.
“Listen you overgrown primate, I will not marry you. You’re rude, overbearing and…and…I won’t live in the backcountry. I just won’t.” I stomped my foot in fury.
I refused to cry even though he was making me so mad I could chew nails. Tears are for wimps, if I stood a fighting chance of getting out of this mess I had to stay strong.
Chapter 11
She’s so adorable, the way she’s spitting fire at me, it was all I could do not to laugh in her face. She thought of me as a caveman, all I was doing was living up to her expectations.
That’s what she gets for judging someone without giving them a chance. Oh I’m going to have her, there’s no doubt about that, no matter how she kicks and screams.
In fact, that might be fun; I’d like to see some of that fire when I’m buried to the hilt inside her. Which if I have my way, and I will, will be soon.
She’s already mine she just hasn’t accepted her fate yet. I was here to see that she had no doubts after tonight.
After what I have in store for her, she’ll be begging me to drag her off to my lair. I mean to tame her once and for all, and put a stop to all this nonsense.
Her daddy had let her rule him for so long, she thought she needed a man that would let her do the same.
She’d be bored in ten minutes flat. What she needed was someone to fuck the piss and vinegar out of her and this ole boy was just the man for the job.
I pulled her close to my chest, and the little bitty towel she wore fell to the ground. I felt those beauties of hers as they pressed into my chest, and the first thing I noticed, other than the feel of her skin beneath my hands, was the hardness of her nipples.
She was either turned on, or cold, and the Louisiana summer heat didn’t leave room for cold. The only air in the room came from the ceiling fan and that wasn’t enough to cause that kind of reaction in her body. She’s such a fraud.
“You feel that?” I pressed her middle into the growing length of my cock as I nibbled my way down her neck.
“Let me tell you what’s going to happen here, so there’s no mistake. Your mom called and told me about your take on getting married. I had a little talk with your daddy, and since he needs my money and I want you, you don’t really have a choice…”
“This is the twenty first century you overgrown ape…”
“Shh shh shh, I would be a little nicer to me if I were you. Now as I was saying, since you want to play hard to get I’ve decided to settle this the old fashion way. Do you know what that is little girl?”
She didn’t answer me of course but her eyes were saying plenty.
“I’ll tell you, I’m going to stay in here, and more to the point in you, for the next week. If you’re not breeding by then, then I’ll just have to come back, but the bottom line is, that you’re not leaving this room until I’ve planted my seed in your belly.” I was ready for her when she started swinging.
“Now now now, that’s no way to behave towards your future husband.” When she wouldn’t calm down, I decided she might as well get a taste of what she had in store if she kept up this kind of behavior, and dragged her little ass over to the bed.
Sitting at the edge of it, I pulled her over my knee and spanked her bare bottom. She wailed and cussed a blue streak.
“Well now Ms. Emily, no wife of mine is going to speak like that, we’ll just have to do something about that.” I gave her ten more good smacks until her ass was red and tears were falling.
“You ready to settle down now?”
“You’re a dead man…”
“That’s enough out of you, I tried being a gentleman, but you took advantage of that fact. Now you can deal with the real man. I’m gonna let you up, but if you misbehave again, I’ll tan your ass but good, you hear me?”