Page 10 of Southern Heat
I sat her up and of course the first thing she did was take a swing at me. I grabbed both her arms and pushed her back against the bed covering her body with mine. She struggled for another minute before I got her under control.
Chapter 12
“Stop it or I’ll fuck you right now.” She became stiff as a board and stared up at me. There was a little fear there, but I could also feel the heat of her body.
I know when a woman wants me, and no matter what her irascible mouth was saying, her body was screaming out to me loud and clear.
“Now I don’t want to hurt you and if I take you like this, I will hurt you, seeing as how you’re a virgin and I’m not a small man.”
“Ha, who told you that fairytale? I’m not a virgin.”
My hand went around her throat before I could stop myself.
“You better be putting me on, because if I find that you’ve let someone else have you, it won’t be easy for you.” She glared in defiance.
“Who had you?”
“I don’t have to tell you anything.”
“Fine I’ll just find out of it’s true or not.”
I shoved her legs open with my hips and settled between them.
“It’s a lie, I’m a virgin…”
“You better not be lying to me.”
“I’m not I swear it, now let me up.”
“No I think I like you just where you are.”
I could of course, have been a total brute and taken her harshly, but that was not my game. I knew of much better ways to tame her.
“You have the most magnificent tits I’ve ever seen.” She turned a deeper shade of pink, as I looked down at her.
“Kiss me Emily.” When she didn’t move I decided to tease her.
“Oh, you don’t know how.”
“Of course I do you mutt.” For that she got my teeth in the soft flesh over her nipple. I sucked until I was sure my mark was there.
She rubbed herself against me and my cock started to leak. I ground my hardness against her clit until she was panting for breath.
“Let’s try this again. Kiss me.” Still defiant, but at least she wasn’t looking so sure of herself.
“Fine, I’ll do it.” I didn’t just dive into her lips; I took my time and seduced her. I licked around the edges of her bottom lip before kissing the corners gently. Then I used my tongue to open the seal of her lips.
Once inside I played with her tongue, all while holding her close, so that her chest rubbed against mine.
Shit, I should’ve undressed before I started this, oh well. It was just as well that I hadn’t, I didn’t want to scare the poor girl with my size.
Better to get her all heated up before letting her get her first glance of my cock. Hopefully she’d be too far-gone by then to fear being murdered by the thing.
I teased and prodded her mouth with my tongue, until she reciprocated. I doubt she even realized what she was doing, or that she was grinding her naked pussy into me.
I lowered my hand to her nipple and toyed with it, until it beaded under my hand. Then I took my mouth away from hers, and sucked her hardened nipple into my mouth. She made the sexiest little sound, and I felt her juices scorch me through my clothes.
As much as I wanted to fall on her like a rutting beast, I knew that I had to take my time. Because of her stubbornness, this was essentially our wedding night.
Maybe after I’d deflowered her I’d give her the fucking she so richly deserved. My dick liked that idea, because he jumped, causing her to squeal and dig her nails into my scalp.
She’d been holding my head against her tit for the last five minutes without noticing. When I felt her getting restless beneath me, I figured it was time to move on.
I nibbled and licked my way down her body, until I came to her pussy. It was pink and soft and dewy from her excitement.
“Mine.” I growled the word, before lifting her to my mouth, and sinking my tongue inside.
She screamed and grabbed my head and I thought it was a good thing there was no one here but us. My girl is going to be a screamer, something else to look forward to in our marriage bed.
I ate her pussy until she flowed into my mouth. I didn’t want to stop long enough to shed my clothes, but if I didn’t get inside her soon I was afraid I’d detonate.
I left her long enough to drop my pants and tear the shirt off over my head. Before she knew I was gone I was back on top of her.
“I’m going to fuck you now sweet Emily, the first of many.” I held her eyes with mine as I eased as gently as I could into her body. She was tense at first, but a few strokes of her clit soon had her relaxing again.