Page 15 of Southern Heat
I left the room before I lost my nerve. I was doing this for her, because at the end of the day her feelings did matter.
It was the longest two weeks of my life. I hardly slept and barely ate. I’d taken a gamble and hoped it paid off.
True to my word, I’d renegotiated a deal with her father. We’d keep her out of our business dealings, it was up to him if he wanted to share that news with her or not.
When she came to me, I wanted it to be of her own free will. I’d forbidden her parents to get involved, or to try to guilt her into it in anyway. Only time will tell if my little play had worked.
Chapter 17
I can’t believe he just left. I was in turns angry and scared. How could he just leave? And now I hear that he’s been seen around town with that horse faced Jenny Maclean.
The very one who’d been laughing at him that night of the Social. I was so mad I could spit. How could he do this to me?
Daddy had said that he’d renegotiated the contract, that I was no longer a pawn. I thought for sure that would make me feel better, but somehow it didn’t.
Mama and daddy had even stopped talking about him, or the wedding. It was like it had never happened.
How could they just go on with their lives like that while I was dying inside? And now to top it off I was late.
What if he married Jenny? What if he didn’t want me anymore? I flew off the bed, where I’d been molting for the last day and a half, feeling sorry for myself.
No way was she getting her hands on my man, I’d scratch her eyes out. I ought to go kick the stuffing out of her.
“Emily dear what’s all this?” Mama came into the room and looked around, before taking a seat on my bed.
“I have to go find Jet mama.”
“Oh, why?” How can she be this cool and calm when my whole world was falling apart?
“Why? because he’s mine that’s why.”
“But I thought you didn’t want him dear.”
“Whoever said that, I never said any such thing? “Of course you did, dear, I heard all about it.”
Heard all about what? “Mama, are you having one of your spells?”
“Of course not dear; what are you looking for? Maybe I can help you before you destroy your room.”
“Heard about what mama?”
“Why how you shamed him at the social of course. Apparently everyone was talking about it, and the fact that he held his head up even after he overheard you.”
“He…” I ran to the bathroom and threw up. He’d heard me? But that was before…and he’d still wanted to marry me? I never felt so awful in my life.
I sat with my head resting against the commode as I tried to gather my thoughts. Poor Jet, what have I done?
Well you can’t sit here and pine away for the rest of your days that’s for sure. Just get up and go do what needs doing.
If he spits in your eye, well…it’s what you deserve. But the baby! Nope, you’re not telling him about that to trap him into marrying you. You still have your pride after all.
I knew she was coming, her mother had called up to the house in a panic and one of the others had come to warn me.
I felt the kick of excitement in my heart, but I played it cool. I took the message and carried on as usual.
Thank fuck she’d come to her senses, because I don’t how much longer I could’ve kept myself from going up there and dragging her home with me.
In fact I’d given her one more day in my mind. Her mom was in a panic because apparently my girl had left the house in a tear, rubber burning
I wonder how she was going to play it; I’d even gone so far as to take out her friend, it was low I know, but I needed all the ammo I could get.
Knowing her, she wouldn’t take too kindly to sharing, and I was betting on that very thing to light a fire under her stubborn ass.
I saw him as he came from the oil fields, his arms and the legs of his jeans covered in oil and grime.
His strong muscles bulged beneath the tight tee he wore, as he moved like the panther I’d secretly deemed him.
“Mercy. ” The heartfelt whisper carried on the wind. He gave me his rakish smirk as he drew near.
“You say something sugar?”
“No not a word.” My heart was beating me to death.
“Oh, I thought I heard you ask for mercy, but you already know I have none.”
“Oh Jet I’m so sorry.” I threw myself in his arms.