Page 14 of Southern Heat
When she threw the tray across the room that was my limit though. “That’s it.” She got another spanking for her troubles and a sore ass. “I must be crazy to want to saddle myself with a shrew such as you.”
“I’m not, and neither am I a brat. Why won’t anyone listen to me? I don’t want to get married and live on the backend of nowhere. If you moved to the city maybe…”
Oh I see her game. So that’s what she’s after is it? Well no dice. “My wife lives where I say. And get this through your head; your tricks will not work on me; now I’ve put up with your shit all this time.
I’ve taken your abuse and insults at every turn. You claim to be so genteel, too good to live in what you call the swamp, but all I see is a misbehaved, bad tempered hoyden. My two year old niece has more manners than you do.” That stung her and she pouted and sulked for the next half hour.
I ignored her surly attitude and told her about my plans for the hotel. It was something that was dear to my heart, and though she didn’t say anything in answer, I could see that I had peaked her interest.
Little did she know that at some point I would ask her input on certain things, things that I’m sure she would like, but I won’t share that with her now.
She had to come to me on her own accord, without any other incentive other than that she wanted to. It would make our life ahead much easier to bear.
Chapter 16
It was a constant battle for the next few days. The only time we weren’t quarreling, or she wasn’t getting her ass spanked, is when I was buried deep inside her.
There was no give in either of us, but at least I’d learned that it wasn’t so much me, that she was against. It was the situation. She didn’t like the idea of her daddy ‘selling’ her as she put it.
I had no idea how to fix that, though I could see where she was coming from. The bottom line was, that I wanted her, and I’m bastard enough to admit that I wasn’t willing to give up that foothold, no way.
“Babe, look at it this way. If we were living in another time, it would be called an arranged marriage. I’m sure they’re still some cultures that hold to this tradition.”
“Might I suggest you move to one of these backward ass hillbilly nations and find you a blushing bride?” She was all sugar and cream as she flickered her lashes at me.
I was growing pretty tired of this fight; the deed was already done. I know and she knows that there was nothing to be done about it, but her own stubborn pride wouldn’t allow her to relent.
If I’d felt at anytime in the last few days, locked away together, that she really hated me, I would’ve found a way out.
But there was no way I was giving her up because she was too pigheaded to admit that she had feelings for me.
If she hadn’t clung to me every night for the past five, I would know that I had failed. But whenever I was through loving her, she’d turn to me and cuddle into me, until sleep took her.
That’s when I stayed awake, enjoying the peace of just holding her close and knowing that she was all mine, that I would get to hold her like this for the next sixty years.
Maybe if I told her that I’d fallen in love with her? Would that help? Maybe I had some stubbornness of my own, because I wanted her to say it first.
She was the one after all, who was holding out. Now I was growing tired of the run around, time to give Ms. Emily a taste of her own medicine. “Very well then.” I removed her from my lap where she’d been sitting and stood up.
She looked dumbfounded, her eyes following me as I walked across the room. “Where are you going?”
I ignored her and got my bag from the closet. “Why home Ms. Emily.” She walked after me but I didn’t look at her.
“Why are you leaving? the seven days aren’t up yet. She twisted the belt of the robe I’d allowed her to wear, as she looked down at her feet. I walked past her dropping the keys to the room in her hand.
“Does this mean you won’t help daddy?”
“Of course not, I’m a man of my word, he’ll get what he needs.”
“But…what do you get?”
“That’s not for you to worry about Ms. Emily. I hereby absolve you of any and all obligations. You’re free to move on with your life without me mucking it up.”