Page 13 of Daring Dragon's Dirty Secret (Shifter Doctor Daddies Instalove Romance 2)
I was worried sick.
Several days had passed since Nathaniel had been at my apartment. I hadn’t returned to the hospital for fear of encountering Dr Fleming, that dreadful man haunting my dreams with his aggressive actions.
If I had explained to Nathaniel what happened, then maybe he could have defended my honor. Maybe he would have flown right to the hospital and dragged that jerk of a doctor out into the parking lot where he could be beaten senseless for being the inconsiderate prick he was. But that would be too risky. The humans at the hospital would surely intervene, preventing the tradition that was held so dear by dragons the world over: justice for one’s mate.
Technically, the doctor hadn’t actually done anything to me, but his intention had been clear. After a hot shower and a long afternoon sleeping, the images came back with more clarity than ever, causing me to hug myself and rock on my bed.
All alone.
Without my mate.
I took a few cleansing breaths. What was a few days in comparison to a lifetime of protection? Maybe he was on a bender. Maybe he was sick.
I shook my head. No, he never gets sick, even with as much as he drinks.
Shivers rattled my body as I struggled to stand from the bed. I had to find Nathaniel. I had to make sure he was okay. That meant I had to go to the estate.
Where my best friend no longer lived.
Depression gripped me as I got dressed and grabbed my purse. Brianna had yet to get into contact with me. It was going on a month now. I made a mental note to try to call her later.
But first, I had to find her brother.
She’s going to be angry with me, I thought. For sleeping with him.
I did my best to keep my mind from going off the charts too much. If I pictured Brianna’s disappointment, then I would simply fulfill it as a prophecy. It was best not to assume her reaction before I had even experienced it.
With a few deep breaths, I calmed myself enough for the drive. I drove in silence, either unwilling or unable to turn on the radio. I wasn’t entirely sure.
Soon enough, the estate loomed ahead of me, the road winding through a set of wrought-iron gates held tightly shut by a code. I would have to ring for the gatekeeper. Nerves shook my fingers as I pressed the button. A voice as clear and soothing as honey responded, asking for my business. I told them my name and was shocked to see the gates open immediately.
After another cleansing breath, and I drove through, waving to the attendant in the station posted just inside the gates. I followed the long driveway to the front steps where I parked out of the way, just in case someone came in behind me.
Not a chance, I considered as I anxiously ascended the stone steps. No one visits the Thorntons. They don’t want Seth’s wrath.
I gulped and I banged the gigantic dragon’s head knocker on the door. A butler answered within a few minutes, and a few minutes after that, I was seated in the living area, waiting for Seth or Katelyn to appear. I hoped it was Katelynn. God, let it be Katelynn.
Seth appeared, and my heart rate doubled as I stood up and bowed my head. No, deeper than that. I needed to do a full-on curtsy.
Seth waved his hand, his nose turned up in the air. “That’s enough, Geraldine. You’ve been here before. No need for pleasantries.”
“Sir, I came to see if—”
“Brianna hasn’t returned.”
I parted my lips to speak, releasing a shaky breath. “I’m here for Nathaniel, actually.”
His expression split. Was he nervous or shocked? Both? “Nathaniel?”
“Yes, Mr. Thornton. He’s . . . missing. I haven’t heard from him.”
“Indeed, he is missing.”
I met his gaze, risking offense. But the aristocratic man didn’t seem fazed by my daring gesture. “What?”
“He’s been gone for three days, my dear,” he explained while walking to the tray on a nearby table. The servants had brought tea while I was waiting. He held up a cup and I shook my head. “He left and hasn’t called. I assume he’s…”
“Stuck somewhere.”
Seth nodded; lips pursed in deep thought. Was he worried about his son? Given how many times Nathaniel had disappeared in the last few years, I could imagine Seth got used to it.
I sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“For what, dear girl? It’s not as if you tried to steal him away. A dragon of your stature would be better than most, though.”
I cringed. It was supposed to be a compliment, but it was only partially true. A hybrid like me? You would hate it. “Thank you, sir.”
“No, don’t thank me. Get him under control.”
“Excuse me?”
He turned to me, his expression stern. “Are your ears full of gold coins, dear? Seduce my son. He needs someone to keep him in line.”
I laughed. I hadn’t meant to laugh, but it was such a silly charge to be given from such a traditionalist. “You’re kidding!”
“What’s so funny, Geraldine? Can’t you see this is serious?” His grip on the teacup threatened to break the delicate china. This poor man; if only he knew!
“Alright, if you insist,” I said. “But how—?”
“I don’t care how. Just do it.”
I nodded. “Are you sure there isn’t anything you need to . . . know first?”
“Like what?”
I shrugged. “Lineage. Papers.”
“Are your parents alive?”
“No, sir.”
Emotion swirled in his gaze. Regret, fear, and perhaps a hint of sorrow sat there.
He nodded slowly. “Very well, girl. Don’t mind the papers. Just get my son back on track. He’s a mess.”
“You can say that again.”
“This is no time for jokes. Do as I say!”