Page 12 of Daring Dragon's Dirty Secret (Shifter Doctor Daddies Instalove Romance 2)
“My dear boy,” I said as I rushed to his side. I knelt next to the bed, placing the back of my hand to his forehead. “You are burning.”
“It came on quickly,” Father explained, concern laden in every word. “He collapsed downstairs. I carried him up here. Is he contagious?”
“Not sure.” I pointed to Bartholomew. “That red bag I always tell you not to touch? Get it from my chambers.”
Barty nodded and took off. I looked at my father, my face firm with confidence and reassurance.
“He’ll be alright,” I stated. “A tincture should help with the fever. Some herbs for the pain. It’s likely just a reaction to something he ate.”
“We never get sick. Not like this, Nathaniel.”
I nodded. “It may be puberty has taken its toll. How often has he changed recently?”
“More than usual.”
“His immune system could have become compromised swapping between states. Did he get into the neighbor’s gardens again?”
Father pursed his lips thoughtfully, nodding. “Most certainly.”
“If he consumed any white cedar, then that’s the likely culprit.”
Mathias coughed, his shivering hand clutching mine. “Fireflies.”
“I ate . . . a load . . . of fireflies.”
I sighed with relief. “You know you’re not supposed to do that, dear boy.”
“Too tasty.”
I rolled my eyes.
Barty appeared with my bag and set it next to me on the bed. My fingers dove inside without thinking, procuring this tincture and that herb. Within a matter of minutes, Mathias looked much more like himself.
Relief consumed ME as I stood up and clicked the bag closed. “He’ll need to sip from this vial every hour on the hour,” I explained as I handed a little glass vial to my father. “Plenty of fluids. Water is preferred, but tea would likely soothe him better. You can crush these herbs up and place them in hot liquid. No straining needed.”
“Nathaniel, you’re brilliant.”
The praise took me off-guard, causing me to take a step back. I extended the items once more and watched as my father accepted them carefully.
“I did what I knew to do,” I stated, averting my eyes. “He’ll be just fine.”
“Firefly poisoning,” Father spat. He turned to Mathias. “You gave us a scare, boy.”
I placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Easy. Extreme emotions can bring the fever back.”
Dad bristled for a moment, eyes flashing neon gold for a split second before returning to their usual hazel-brown hue. Amber clouded his irises. “Of course.”
“I’ll be in my chambers.”
His hand clamped on my shoulder, keeping me steady. Though it could have been a commanding tone, I easily picked up on the hints of pride laced with concern in his words.
“Yes, Father?” I asked as I turned.
“You’re a brilliant doctor,” he said shakily. “Why in the world you hide in bottles of liquor is beyond me.”
I shrugged. “I’m as clueless as you are.”
“If only you weren’t a damned drunk,” he continued, confidence returning—and spite, it seemed. “Maybe you could have an actual family of your own.”
Anger swelled in my gut. I broke free of his hand and marched out of the room, taking my ire and disappointment to my chambers, to the right of the stairs. I barreled into the room and dropped my bag on my desk, medical papers spewing in all directions from the force of the blow.
“Ass,” I grumbled. “I do have a family of my own.”
I tugged the photograph from my pocket. The picture of Julia was a few years old, and so worn out that it was clear I needed a new copy. But I could see her face, and her smile. I could see my features in hers. I could see how pride reverberated from her pose, holding up a flute with brimming confidence. Yes, that was me.
I crumpled the photograph in my hand. “It’s time for me to go get my daughter.”
That was it. I was convinced. I needed to accept full custody of Julia and see that Elsie was comfortable in her departure.
After all, I was a brilliant doctor. Who better to see her to the other side than me?
I dropped the photograph to the ground. I didn’t need it anymore. I would have plenty more opportunities for photographs once my daughter arrived. The only remaining issue was my father.
To hell with him, I thought as I whipped my phone out of my pocket. He’ll get the fuck over it. She’s his granddaughter and he will treat her as such.
Conviction filled every one of my movements. I got Elsie on the phone, explained my change of heart, and promised to pick Julia up at my earliest convenience. It would take me a few days to get everything settled here, but it would work. It had to work.
I was my daughter’s last hope.
Emotions roiled in my gut. Never in my life had I felt so protective of someone else. Aside from my sister, the strength in me that rose as a result of my desire to provide surprised me.
It excited me, too.
I would protect my daughter and I would protect my mate.
Twitching, I realized I would have to explain everything to Geraldine. I hadn’t gotten the chance last night. It was time she knew the truth.
It was time she knew me as the Daddy she thought me to be.