Page 81 of Broken Kingdom (Corium University Trilogy 3)
As I sit down, Lucas and Ren take the other couch, and Dad simply stands by the window.
“Nic will be here soon as well,” Lucas says. “But I have already talked to him, and we decided we are willing to do whatever it takes. Whatever we can do to sway votes.”
“That is very generous of you and your brother,” my father answers. “I didn’t realize you were that fond of Aspen.”
“Despite who her father was, she is a good kid. Besides, Nash deserved it, and his father is a fucking prick. I never liked that guy.”
My father nods, staring out the window in thought. “Of course, I have thought about the same. Katharina will be the easiest.”
“Yes, I actually already have something she wants. It’s a large diamond she’s been trying to get ahold of for years. Nic has it with him.”
“Good. I’ve talked to Julian and explained the situation. He is on our side, of course.” My father steps away from the window and starts walking across the room. “Enzo, Lucian, and Adrian also agreed to vote in our favor, as I expected. I have tried to contact Brookshire, but he has avoided my calls and left my messages unanswered.”
Lucas clears his throat. “I’ll talk to him as soon as he gets here. I have also spoken to Dr. Lauren, and we have her vote.”
“I talked to Vito, and he gave me his word that his father would vote against Brookshire.”
“Good, right now, this is as much as we can hope for.” Dad nods.
“It’s not enough. I need it to be a sure thing. I can’t let her die. I owe her so much. Not only did she save Adela but she saved me as well.” Twice actually, but I’m not going to mention that I almost got hit by a huge piece of debris, and she pushed me out of the way. That would only freak them out. “When I came to Corium, I was so lost; she somehow made me feel like myself again.”
“We know.” Scarlet smiles, punching me in the arm playfully. “I could tell she was good for you the first time we came to visit. You were different, less sad all the time.”
“Your sister is right,” Dad agrees. “I might have taken a little longer to see it, but Aspen is obviously good for you. I have thought about one more thing to possibly sway Brookshire to vote for Aspen to live… but it’s drastic, and it would affect the rest of your life.”
I don’t think I simply react. “Whatever it is, I’ll do it.”
She gave herself to me, every piece of her, and now I’m going to return the favor.
The worst thing about lying here on this cot and staring at a blank wall isn’t the lack of control over my fate. It’s not being uninformed over what’s being said about me—I can imagine that clearly enough, anyway.
It’s being completely cut off from the rest of the world. I might as well be in a cave, entirely on my own with no windows, no fresh air.
At least I have my phone to check the passage of time. That’s my lifeline, my connection to the real world. I’m afraid of what will happen once the battery runs out. Will I live long enough to see that happen?
Quinton. What’s he going through? If I have any regret, it’s what this is doing to him. I know it isn’t easy for someone like him to accept that he can’t control everything. Some situations are out of his hands. It must be driving him crazy. I wish I could give him a little comfort, but I’m the reason for his discomfort. It might not go over well, now that I think about it. It’s probably for the best that we aren’t together.
I don’t even know what I’m thinking anymore. I’m too tired in my body and my soul. Maybe it’s better for everything to end now.
Think that as I might, the sound of shuffling footsteps outside the cell makes my stomach turn and my pulse go into overdrive. I sit up and swing my feet onto the floor, prepared for whatever is coming. At least, that’s what I tell myself. Really, my hands are clenched tight between my knees to keep them from shaking.
Am I dreaming? I can’t believe it’s Quinton stepping into the cell, followed by Xander. At first, I’m too overjoyed to do more than smile tearfully. I didn’t think I would ever see him again before I died.
Immediately, reality sets in. This isn’t a good thing. “You have to leave.” I look toward the door and whisper in case anyone else is waiting beyond it. “You shouldn’t be here.”
“That’s not going to happen,” Quinton retorts.
“But it’s bad for both of you, for the whole family. You’re not supposed to be involved with me, remember?” I shoot a panicked look toward Xander and hope he has sense. “You both have to go. For your own good.”