Page 80 of Broken Kingdom (Corium University Trilogy 3)
“What about the people who care about you? Don’t we get a say in this?”
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think so.”
“How am I supposed to accept that?” he demands, and from the sound of it, he’s gritting his teeth. Now, I’m sorry. Not for Nash, never for him, but for Quinton. Even after everything we said earlier, I know he cares about me. Just like I know he would have killed Nash if he’d been there. If only to spare me having to do it. Because all he’s ever done is try to protect me.
This time, I realize, I protected him. “He knew what you did,” I whisper. “What you did afterward. If I hadn’t done it, he could have told somebody. Isn’t that what you were trying to prevent all along by staying away from me?”
“Don’t do this.”
“But it is. I know it. You told me so. If anybody found out we were connected, they’d figure out it was you who killed the Valentines.”
“I know,” he groans.
“So you see, I did the only thing I could to save you, too—just like you made sure to get rid of everybody else because of me. Except if you had done that to Nash, it could’ve blown back on your family. Your mom, Scarlet. I don’t want that. In the end, this was the only way.”
I cut him off when he makes a noise like he’s about to argue. “Please, Quinton. I’ve been thinking about it. You know it’s true. This was the only way. And I really am all right with it, I swear.”
“I’m not.”
“And I’m sorry about that. But if I had it to do over again, I would.”
Someone is speaking in the background. “I have to go for now. I’m still going to do everything I can to help you. I know my father will, too. We’re fighting for you. Don’t give up hope.”
“I won’t.” Does it convince him? I don’t know. Either way, he ends the call, and now I can release the tension in my shoulders and back. I lean against the wall with a sigh, closing my eyes. Somewhere not far from where I’m sitting, Quinton is doing everything he can to get me out of this. Even if I had the heart to tell him not to bother, I know he wouldn’t listen.
But I know the truth, and I’ve accepted it. There’s no way out. I killed Nash, and there’s only one punishment for that.
Even the Rossi family can’t use their power this time. And if they can’t fix this, nothing can.
Once again, I’m standing out in the cold, waiting for my family’s helicopter to land. Today, the only difference is that no matter how much the wind blows against me, the cold can’t seem to reach me. I’m not warm either. I’m simply nothing. My body and mind are numb, and I don’t think it will change until I know Aspen is safe. I am numb because I will lose my damn mind if I let myself feel.
Ren is by my side as the helicopter finally lands. My parents and Scarlet pile out of the door and rush toward us. My mom pulls me into a hug first, wrapping her slender arms around me, squeezing me with a strength she shouldn’t have for such a small person. As soon as she lets go, Scarlet jumps into my arms, and my mom moves over to hug Ren.
My dad greets us both with the customary nod. “We came as fast as we could.”
“I know. I’m glad you are here.” Having my family support me in this way means a lot to me. They basically dropped everything and traveled for hours to get to me. “Thank you for coming so quickly.”
“Oh, Quinton, you never have to thank us for something like that. Of course, we come whenever you need us,” my mom coos. “Now, let’s go talk to Lucas to figure this whole mess out.”
“He is checking on Aspen right now, but he’ll meet us in your suite.”
My father and I grab the suitcases from the helicopter, and I lead my family back to the upper part of Corium and the luxurious suite where they stayed last time.
When we get there, Lucas is already waiting in front of the door.
“How is she?” my mother and I ask simultaneously.
“She is okay. I brought her clothes, food, even a fluffy blanket. Seriously, she is doing fine, oddly content with everything considering.”
“I still don’t like her being locked up somewhere.” Even if she is safe there, she doesn’t belong in a cell.
“Hopefully, she won’t be there much longer,” my mother offers.
My father opens the door with his personal code, and we all pile into the large room. I roll the suitcase into my parents’ bedroom before returning to the living area. My mom and Scarlet take a seat on the large sofa, keeping a spot between them. When Mom waves me over and taps beside her, I realize that spot is for me.