Page 26 of Sweet Obsession
She didn’t ask if she could come in; of course, she just brushed by me and walked in, removing her gloves and hat. She had her nose in the air, and my tummy knotted. Why did I choose now of all times to send the staff away? “Uh, may I offer you something to drink?”
“Don’t pretend to play hostess in my son’s house. I’ve come here today to talk some sense into you.” I noticed her eyes flashed to my ring finger and then quickly away before she took a seat on the couch.
I fell into the nearest chair because my legs gave out on me. I rubbed sweaty palms over my jeans and got another disdainful sneer. “Yes?” My voice sounded like that scared little girl who was afraid of being sent into the system, which was her ultimatum that day. Either Garrick sent me away, or she’d never speak to him again.
I guess he’d called her bluff because I’m still here, and they still speak on the phone, even though I think this might be the first time she’d ever stepped foot in his home. “What are you doing here?” Her voice was so calm when she asked me that.
“I… I live here.” No matter how I told myself to be brave, I couldn’t; I didn’t have it in me, not with her, with anyone else but her.
“Aren’t you away at some school? What do you mean you live here? My son took you in when you were a child; now you’re an adult, it’s time you start finding your own way.” She reached into her purse, and I knew what was coming. She pulled out her checkbook and a pen and started scribbling.
“Here, take it. I trust that will be enough to get you out of our lives.” I didn’t even look at the check she held out to me, which angered her further. “I said take it and get out. I won’t let you destroy my son’s life any further.”
I was shaking like a leaf, but as scared as I was, I knew I couldn’t leave. “Only Garrick can make me leave.”
The words came out in little more than a whisper, but I said them all the same. My eyes opened wide in shock when she slapped me across the face. I recoiled back from the venom I saw in her eyes while holding my stinging cheek. “You’re just like your mother, a worthless harlot who disgraced my family once. I’d die before I allow her bastard daughter to do the same. Do yourself a favor and leave before I take matters into my own hands. And that ring, give it to me.”
I moved out of her way, shaking my head. “No, Garrick gave it to me; it’s mine.” She started to come towards me, but the phone rang, and I ran to answer it weak with relief when I heard his voice on the other end. I kept my eyes on her as I made sure to call his name out loud for her to hear. “Hi, Garrick.” I tried not to let anything show in my voice, and it must’ve worked because he just asked if I needed him to pick up anything on the way home because it looked like a storm was coming.
“No, so you’ll be here any minute?’ At that, his mother headed for the door with one last glare in my direction and a look that I read only too well.
“Fifteen minutes, baby; I’ll see you when I get there.”
I fell to my knees when he hung up, then bolted up and ran to the door to lock it before she came back.
I went into the kitchen to ice my cheek down before he got home and sat stunned for a minute at what had just taken place.
Something’s off; something’s not right. She’s too chipper, too over the top even for her, and there are tears in her eyes. What the hell could’ve happened between the time I hung up the phone and the time I walked through the door? I didn’t waste my time asking her; she’d never tell me unless I threatened her, and I’m not in the mood to do that. I’ll wait her out, I guess, but something happened. I knew she sounded off on the phone but chalked it up to the weather and a bad connection.
I was all ready to wait for her to come to me until I saw her face, the face she’d been hiding from me since I walked through the door. I think a bomb went off somewhere because my head exploded. “Who hit you?” I was surprised at my tone. Calm as an icy lake. She fidgeted around and looked anywhere but at me. At least she didn’t try to play it off like I was mistaken.