Page 25 of Sweet Obsession
“See if I ever suck your dick again.” I flounced off the bed when he finally let me up and waddled to the bathroom. If he saw my smiling face, it would be all over. I stepped into the shower and turned on the water dunking my head to clear it some. I heard a sound and realized, oh shit, I’m humming. Who hums when they’re mad? Maybe he hadn’t heard me; I hadn’t seen him come into the bathroom.
Well, shit, the toilet flushed, and he came and stood outside the shower door to smirk at me. I turned my back and pretended he was not there. Then he slid the door open and came in. “On your knees, I want your mouth again.
“Yes, daddy!” What? I’m not stupid.
It took me a whole night to get that shit out of my system. I know it’s a horrible double standard because I’ve had other women before her, but she’s mine, dammit, and the thought of her being like that with anyone else is just fucking not acceptable. I believe her, of course, but when I had images of her in the backseat of some college kid’s car sucking him off, I wanted to commit murder.
I made her ride my cock for damn near half the night as penance, then felt guilty and gave her my mouth for the other half before making love to her. Notice I said making love, not fucking there’s a difference. Fucking is what we did this morning when she climbed onto my cock and fucked herself into oblivion with my finger in her ass to help her reach there.
By the end of our shared shower, we were back to the norm, she wasn’t sulking, and I was no longer an angry bear, as she so succinctly put it. Besides, I didn’t want to start our holiday in a few days, mad at her and her at me. Plus, I made it up to her in more ways and many times last night and again this morning.
She let it all go after I spread her out on the kitchen table and ate her sweet pussy before fucking her into the wood. I’ve come to learn that if I keep her pussy happy, she’d behave and not make me mental. I left the house with her smiling and happy, which is all I seem to care about these days. That’s why I still haven’t told anyone that we’re married yet. She keeps asking for more time, and as much as I hate putting it off, I oblige.
I think she’s terrified of their rejection, and I guess I can see that. She needs to adopt my don’t give a fuck attitude, but it might take some time to get her there. I haven’t heard from Rene since that night at the penthouse, but I’ve heard of her. Another reason I go along with Maddie’s wish not to tell the family yet is because Rene has been seen going in and out of my parents’ home more than once in the last couple of weeks.
If she’d said something to mom, she would’ve confronted me by now. That’s not what I’m worried about, though; I don’t need mom’s permission to live my life the way I want and hasn’t for quite some time. But the fact that those two are spending any time together now when they hadn’t before doesn’t sit well with me. I want Maddie as far away from whatever that is as possible.
I think Garrick might be right; this house is too much for one person to take care of. No wonder he has a whole battalion. I won’t tell him this, but I can’t wait for them to come back, though I do enjoy having the place to ourselves and cooking his meals. That makes me feel wifely, the rest of this crap, nope.
It’s his fault since he never let me do anything when I was a teenager. I learned to cook out of necessity because I like to eat, and since his top-shelf chef wasn’t going to follow me to campus, I had to figure something out.
Between YouTube and the chef, I’ve pretty much perfected my craft. I looked down at my yellow sweater set over jeans when the doorbell rang. I wondered what my husband had wasted money on this time as I went to answer the door with a smile and a duster in hand.
“Hel…lo.” My heart dropped, and everything inside me went cold as ice. It was his mother. A woman I’d only seen from a distance since the day she threw me out of her house when I was just thirteen years old. Nothing puts fear in me like her because I know as much as Garrick had stuck by my side in defiance of her when I was a child, he absolutely loves her. He’s all about family.