Page 58 of Rebound (Passion 2)
“Bro let’s go.” I felt Josh tug me from under the car and tried to kick him off. Probably just fucking with me because he had nothing better to do. “Get outta here, this is the first time I’ve been under my baby in months. “Matt it’s Kadyn, let’s go.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” I was out from under the car and wiping the grease from my hands as I followed him to his car. I saw him tinkering with the bracelet on his wrist, which I knew contained the device that kept him up with Carrie’s tracker and got a strong wave of déjà vu. “What’s wrong with Kadyn?”
“Not sure but I know she’s in trouble.”
“Joshua what the fuck happened did he find her? Is something going on at the diner?”
“No I don’t think she’s at the diner and I don’t think it’s the asshole. Look Carrie got a call, she started acting all strange and shit so I got suspicious when she had to use the bathroom all of a sudden while on the phone. If she hadn’t called Kadyn’s name out loud when she first answered I wouldn’t have known who the fuck she was talking to. I couldn’t hear all that was said but from the tone I knew there was something wrong. When she came out and acted like there was nothing going on and she just needed to make a run I knew something was up so as soon as she left I came and got you.”
He checked his wrist again and frowned. “Where the fuck is she going?”
My heart was thumping in my chest and my mouth was dry. If Kadyn was in trouble why hadn’t she called me? what the hell was going on? Nothing can be wrong with her, not when I’d only just found her. Life couldn’t be that fucking cruel. I hated the feeling of helplessness that overcame me, the sick fear that was gnawing away at my gut that something had happened to her on my watch after I’d promised her that nothing ever would again. “Drive faster Joshua.” He just nodded as he pushed his foot down on the gas.
I saw Carrie pull up outside this ranch style house and someone or something dart out of the bushes and fly into her car. Josh blocked her car in before she could pull out. There were four very surprised eyes staring back at us as we hopped out of the car. Carrie mouthed the words ‘oh shit’ before turning off the ignition. There was movement at the front of the house but I didn’t turn to see as my focus was on my woman and the bruise that was forming on her cheek. “What the fuck happened to you?” I had her door open and was pulling her into my arms even as I heard Josh lighting into Carrie for running off without telling him.
“Dan…” that was as far as she got before I was passing her off to my brother and heading towards the house. There was a middle aged woman standing there looking like she didn’t know what the fuck. I didn’t spare her a glance as I pushed in the door and went on the hunt. I was aware that there were others in the house and I could hear people yelling at me to get out but I had tunnel vision at this point. I threw off arms as they reached out to stop me on my quest, my eyes and ears pricked for any sign of the coward who’d put hands on my girl.
I heard the sound of running feet coming from the back of the house and rushed in that direction in the midst of screams and threats. I caught the fucker trying to run out the backdoor and dragged him back in before punching him in the face exactly where he’d hit her. I knew that the methodical way I went after him, punching him in the exact same spot over and over was dangerous, that I had left my body and was going on pure animal instinct. But Dan had fucked up royally; the fact that I couldn’t get my hands on Bruno was a sore spot with me and now here was someone that I could take that shit out on with good reason.
Someone, I guess it was his brother tried pulling me off of him but he was no match for the rage that burned through me. A swift kick to the gut was all that was needed to get him the fuck out of the way. “You like hitting women you fuck? Well you chose the wrong one this time.” When it seemed like he had nothing left I collared him and spoke into his face so he’ll hear every word I had to say because the next time he won’t be getting off so easy. “Kadyn is mine; you hear me you fuck?” I shook the fucker and his head bobbed back and forth on his neck while blood poured from under his eye and his mouth where I’d split his lip. “You ever come near her again I’ll kill you.” I threw him into his father who Josh had been holding back against the wall. I would’ve loved to take my time fucking him up but I wanted her away from here.