Page 57 of Rebound (Passion 2)
When we’d both cum, she with a scream and me with a growl I dropped down on my side and brought her with me still connected. As I was drifting off I finally got what it was that had been eluding me. Kadyn was freer during sex than at any other time since I’d met her, she also appeared to be highly sexed. I smiled and hugged her closer thankful that the experience had exceeded my expectations.
The sun was directly on us as I came awake a few hours later still connected to her. I guess that was one advantage to my size I could stay inside her as long as I wanted to even when I wasn’t erect. I sniffed her neck and was hit by that scent again. Lowering my hand beneath the sheet that I’d pulled over us at some point I felt her clit and just like that she started moving back against me. Not fully awake yet she let me know with her body what she wanted. I thrust slowly up into her as I teased her clit and bit into her neck. We stayed like that, just rocking back and forth with my cock growing inside her until we came together softly this time.
We stayed locked away in my room for the next two days leaving only to find food. It was so bad even Josh was smirking at me every time he saw us but a hard glare from me kept his mouth shut. No one said anything about our odd behavior but I was pretty sure they all knew the deal. I watched her in those days for any sign of distress and was amazed at the transformation. When we were outside that room she was the same shy Kadyn but I also noticed it was with less of the fear that she’d carried around with her for so long. But once the door was closed she was back to being a sex kitten. My dick more than made up for the months of going without.
I didn’t bring up the strange phenomena to her though but promised myself to look that shit up the first chance I got. Not that I’m complaining, but I needed to know if there was something I needed to do for her and her newly awakened body. I hadn’t even done anything about Bruno in the two nights following her deflowering but by the third night I was back on the job. She’d finally tired herself out around midnight and I was able to sneak away still not willing for her to stumble onto what I was doing.
Chapter 22
My life was finally back on point or so it felt. I had eyes on the asshole in Nebraska making sure he wasn’t getting anywhere close to finding her. The Patti thing was basically behind me and I wouldn’t have to deal with her ever again in my life thank heavens. But most importantly I had found someone that was beyond my wildest imaginings. Not even when I first laid eyes on her and was so thrown that I acted like an ass did I once think we would turn out the way we have. It’s not just the amazing sex either it was the whole package. It’s as if she came into my life just when I needed to be needed, her vulnerability spoke to me in a way that nothing else would’ve; not in the place I’d been. Funny how I’m fighting so hard for her to overcome it, but I wanted her strong, wanted her free.
Our relationship seems to have taken on a life of its own since the first day I took her, like the dynamics shifted somehow. I felt even more possessive of her now than I had before. There’s no way to explain the burning sensation in my chest when I even think of her; the heated passion that rises up inside me at the thought of anyone or anything coming between us. I spend hours just looking at her sometimes, especially when she’s having fun with the girls or at night after we’ve made love. That’s when I feel like I’ve lost all control and might be in danger of going over the edge, when her special scent hits me and I feel like a wild beast who just wants to mount her over and over again until I can’t get my dick up any more. And the beauty of it all is that she’s right there with me.
I’ve watched her break out of her shell bit by bit and though there was still a ways to go, we’d made more progress than I’d expected. The only thing that bugged the hell out of me was that I had to let her go home sometimes. Her father wasn’t quite ready to let go of his little girl and she still needed him I guess, but I didn’t like having her away from me. Today she was over there helping him with the books or something while I tinkered around with one of my rides. I’d ordered her something that was supposed to help me with my anxiety when she was out of my sight but it was going to be a few more days before it was ready so for now I just had to be cool and know that she was okay for the few hours she wasn’t with me.