Page 38 of Rebound (Passion 2)
“Not making any promises dad, all I know is that he’s not getting away with it and she’s not spending the rest of her life in fear. Speaking of which I have to get a move on I’m brining her home today. Just for a visit for now, I want her to spend as much time here as possible. Get her used to another way of life. At least here she can move around outside freely instead of being cooped up in her father’s place over the diner.”
“Okay son, go get your girl.”
I called her first to let her know I was on my way after I’d taken care of my morning shower and shave. I said a few words to Stan before going up to get her. She looked sexy as hell in a little sundress and sandals, her hair falling down her back. She also looked scared which I knew was going to take time. I decided then and there we weren’t going to even touch on the trouble today, today was going to be all about making her happy.
“You ready baby?” she nodded yes and took my outstretched hand. She said a quick goodbye to her dad once we got downstairs and we were off.
“How did you sleep baby? I was going to call you last night before I fell asleep but I got caught up in something, that won’t happen again. From now on my voice will be the last thing you hear at night and the first in the morning. Well unless Stan is an early riser and he beats me to it.”
“I was about to say, he does get up at an unholy hour every morning and the first thing he does is wake me up. I don’t mind though, we have the most amazing talks then.” I wonder if she knew he was probably doing that to reassure himself that his kid had made it through the night safe under his roof? Not now Matt, remember? today is about the good only no dark clouds.
“Did you pack a swimsuit in that suitcase you’re carrying?” she looked down at her bag and I was pleasantly surprised when she swatted my arm for the insult. “It’s not that big come on, besides I can get lots of stuff in here. I didn’t know we were going swimming so I didn’t bring a suit sorry. We can turn back and get one…”
“No it’s fine I’m sure mom or one of the girls have one that you can use, don’t worry it won’t be worn, these women buy multiples of every damn thing. Do you do that too?”
“Um, not really, I’m not really big on shopping.” I gave her a disbelieving look. A female that wasn’t into shopping, an enigma for a Steele man. “Come again, you don’t like shopping?”
“Not that I don’t like shopping, mom usually bought my stuff or we’d get it online, it wasn’t always…safe to go to the mall.” her voice trailed off and I gritted my teeth. I guess I knew what we were doing today.
As soon as we got to the house mom ambushed us. You’d think she’d known Kadyn her whole damn life the way she carried on, but that’s what I wanted for her so it was all good. She gushed and crooned over how pretty my girl was before dragging her off to the back of the house for who knows what, her lips going a mile a minute.
I found Carrie and Nessa upstairs having some sort of wardrobe consult. “Girls I need your help.” They stopped mid sentence and turned their attention to me. “What do you need?”
“Kadyn’s never really been shopping before I want her to have a day at the mall doing all the shit you freaks do when you go there.” The squeals were loud enough to bust my eardrums. Josh came running when he heard his wife’s voice and I just rolled my eyes at his hyper ass. “What the fuck?”
“Calm down bro the girls are just a little over excited.”
“Why what’re you all up to?”
“I just asked them to take Kadyn shopping.”
“Shit bro, are you mental? Have you seen Carrie on a shopping spree? Fuck.” They started bickering about whether or not she was shopaholic and then the make up session started and it was time for me to go. “Be ready in ten minutes let me go rescue my girl from mom.”
Not a minute too soon I realized because I found them in the family room where mom had broken out the family albums and my ass was on display. “Mom geez.” She gave me her innocent ‘I’m not trying to embarrass my kids look’ my ass. I’m not sure who’s worst sometimes, her or dad. Speaking of which. “Where’s dad?”
“He was in his office doing something or the other.”