Page 37 of Rebound (Passion 2)
I’d seen shit like this on TV before, who hasn’t? and always I wondered where were the fathers and husbands of these women, and why weren’t they fucking this douche’s shit up? Now I find myself in the same position and I know it couldn’t be easy for them to sit back and do nothing, especially with the law telling them their hands were tied. I’d be fucked if mine were.
“Damn this fucker is good, he has his shit safe coded like Fort Knox; this might take me a while.” Not what I wanted to hear but beggars can’t be choosers. In the meantime I switched gears. Obviously it would be more important for her to have this taken care of but then what? How did Matt and Kadyn move on after this? It was the after that I was focused on now because I had no doubt that I would eliminate the threat, there was no other alternative. I refuse to accept that someone else could have that much power over what belongs to me. Fuck that.
By the time Josh signaled that he was in I had come to a decision. As far as dating goes I’ll just go with my gut and my heart, maybe I’ll be a combination of the three men in my family: dad with his old world charm, Andrew with his compassionate and doting ways and Josh with the crazy over protectiveness. They each had their own merits. With that settled in my head I could breathe easier. I wasn’t going to treat her like a victim either; her new life was going to start now, a life without fear and uncertainty. But in order to that I have to take steps to show her that she was safe.
Chapter 14
“Thanks bro I’ll take it from here, I’ll get started in the morning this shit has left a bad taste in my mouth.” It was amazing that less than twenty-four hours after learning about this that I already had a clear-cut plan worked out of what I wanted to do. Seems to me the law could’ve done a hell of a lot more to protect one so young instead of telling her time and again that there was nothing they could do. Since they wouldn’t do their fucking jobs I’ll do it for them.
“So what’s the plan bro, what’s the end result here?”
“Best case scenario, death, barring that I want him to spend some time in a maximum security prison where his housemates know of his love for terrorizing little girls.”
“My man.” He gave me a high five before leaving the room, saying something about being away from his wife for too long already. I finally got it. That unerring devotion, that all consuming emotion that made everything else nonexistent. I was beginning to feel that way for her and I hadn’t even known her as long. We were starting in the dark but hopefully we’d reach the light before too long.
I slept fitfully that night because she wasn’t there; I’m not sure how old man Stan would react to the shit that was going through my head but I had to figure out a way to get her in my home where I could keep an eye on her myself. I was not willing to let even her father have that responsibility but I knew I had to take my time, couldn’t rush things. To everyone else it would appear that we’d just met and it would be too soon to do certain things, in my heart it was never too soon. She was mine, and she needed that security. I was the only one who could give her that.
“Dad?” I woke to find my father sitting next to my bed looking haggard.
“Morning son; your brother showed me the report you got from Stan, all the papers he kept. I have to tell you that as soon as I was finished reading I went to your sister’s room and looked in on her. I tried to imagine someone doing the same to her, my little girl. I remember how she’d drag me off to the doll store in the mall whenever we were there. Or the tea parties she’d make us have with her when she was eight remember?” I nodded my head yes.
“Or those infernal sleepovers she had as a teenager.” He grinned and I smiled fondly at the memory. It was true Nessa had a normal well rounded childhood full of love and light and laughter.
“I don’t think Kadyn had any of that dad; breaks my fucking heart.”
“I know son but we’ll fix it.”
“What do you mean we?” he looked at me without speaking for a while before clearing his throat.
“I wasn’t too involved with Josh and Carrie’s relationship in the beginning, didn’t know all that was going on there. She’s now my daughter and the thought of what had almost befallen her makes me nuts. I’m not going to be asleep at the wheel this time. Your mom and I talked and we decided that we’ll do whatever it takes to help this young girl get on with her life. We would’ve done it for anyone in the same situation but the fact that she’s yours makes it more personal. I know you and your criminal minded brother are up to something, all I’m asking is that you don’t do anything that would entail me looking at you through bars.”