Page 12 of Rebound (Passion 2)
“Don’t pay him any attention dad, we’re rooming together. What did you and mom find? Carrie and I have been looking at condos and apartments but there doesn’t seem to be anything that fits our needs. Nothing close enough to campus anyway.”
“In a situation like this it’s all about who you know son. We found you guys a nice little starter home right off campus. It has three and a half bedrooms so when your mom and I come to check up on you we can all stay together.” He smirked and rubbed my head. What the fuck?
I felt my shoulders relax a little bit, at least he wasn’t here about Kadyn; I don’t think I’m ready for that conversation yet. Dad’s worst than Josh when he gets his teeth into something and I needed time to get things straight in my head first. I figured I’d relaxed too soon when he cleared his throat and eyeballed me. Shit.
“So what’s going on with the girl at the diner?”
I glared over at Josh who was pretending that he hadn’t heard what dad said.
“Don’t look at him, your mom and I have been eavesdropping around the house. We pick up stuff.”
“Damn dad you snooping?” what the hell? I come from a family of snoops.
“It’s not snooping son, here lately you’ve been acting strange and we had no other way of getting to you. This was the only recourse left to us, so tell.”
“Nothing’s going on, I don’t even know the girl.” My gut hurt when I said that and I wasn’t too jazzed about the way dad was looking at me.
“Son we haven’t had a chance to really talk about what happened with Patricia.”
“Dad…” I started to cut him off but should’ve known better. Seems like being lost inside my own head I’d lost touch with the way things ran in my family.
“I know you’re not about to shush me boy, now listen. What happened happened. It was unfortunate in more ways than one but nobody blames you for any of it. You were always sure that she was the one but I knew different.”
“What do you mean you knew?” I sat up straight for this one, this was the first I’d ever heard of this. “Why did you never say anything before then?”
“Because you’re my son and it’s what you wanted at the time. Nothing wrong with a young man having a girlfriend, I just always knew she wasn’t your one. Now from what little I’ve gathered you seem to be on the road to the real thing and so you don’t make a muck of it the way your brother did…”
“Hey.” Josh threw the ball at dad, which he snagged in the air.
“Boy you were a maniac, let’s not pretend otherwise. Now Matthew I expect you to have a little more sense and handle this situation like a Steele. There’s no need to be afraid of this girl whoever she is. Let me ask you this first; how does she make you feel?”
I looked at him and then at my brother who was suddenly very interested in the conversation. I felt like I was on the damn couch being analyzed. Who talked about their feelings and shit with their dad? He seemed to understand my discomfort because his next words went right to the heart of the matter.
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, this is very important. If this girl is the one for you then you have to look at the situation through different eyes. First you have to put the whole Patti thing behind you, you need to move on. The sin was hers it was never yours; your life didn’t end because she turned out to be a…whatever she is. I won’t have any son of mine beating up on himself over something he had no control over. Be a Steele son we have of our own code, we don’t stay down for long and nothing beats us.”
“Dad I don’t know what I feel okay; I just, I need time to get my thoughts together. I don’t even know if I want to get involved.”
“The choice might not be yours son; fair enough, just know that if you need to talk your mother and I are always here. Now back to the school thing, we’re going to have to take a weekend soon and head up there and get things rolling. School will be starting before you know it.”
“Summer just started old man take it easy. I want to hear some more about Mattie’s woman troubles.”
“Shut up you ass; okay thanks dad.” He turned and left the room leaving me and the nosy one alone. “What have you guys been saying around here to set him on my ass?”
“Not me bro, must be the girls.”
“Your wife is as bad as you are. Now mom’s gonna be on my ass about this shit next. Why are you so sure that I like this girl anyway?”