Page 11 of Rebound (Passion 2)
“Kadyn, I think she’s been hurt.” And that shit was really beginning to bother me now that I was no longer where I could see her. All the way here it felt strangely like I was abandoning her somehow, like maybe I should’ve hung around until she was done and walked her back to the diner. There were so many confusing thoughts going through my head lately that I didn’t know which to choose. There was no reason for me to feel this strongly for a total stranger, this need to stand over her and protect.
“And you know this how?” He was still tinkering with his keyboard but I could tell that I had his attention.
“I ran into her in town and she damn near freaked when I touched her.” Yeah Matt you ran into her, that sounds more innocent and less creepy. He turned to study me now and I avoided eye contact; nosy fuck sees too much.
“Well bro the last time you saw her you damn near took her head off. Put that together with the fact that she’s about five three to your hulking mass of six four and that’s enough to put the fear of hell in her.”
“Fuck off, I’m serious bro, I think something happened to her. I’ve never seen anyone react that way to a simple touch and then I see her go into Dr. Graves’ building.”
“So, maybe she was making a food delivery or something, what’s it to you anyway?”
“I don’t know something about her bothers me.”
“Bothers you how?”
Oh I had his full attention now, I could almost see the wheels turning in that brain of his.
“Don’t start, I don’t know but…I saw her with old man Stanley and I wanted to slap the shit out of her.”
“What the fuck was she doing with him?”
“I thought it was some sort of lover’s embrace but she claims he’s her dad.”
“And what? That’s it, she had to go somewhere so I told her I’ll see her around.”
“You like this girl Matt?”
“What? No, you saw me at the diner. I don’t know what it is there’s just something about her that drives me bat shit.”
“Welcome to the club.” He grinned down at me and turned back to the computer.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’ll see, so when are you seeing her again?”
“Fuck if I know; feel like going to the diner for ice cream later?” Just the thought of seeing her again so soon had my heart jumping in my chest. What the fuck was that shit about?
“Sure bro, welcome back.”
“Don’t go getting any ideas, that happily ever after shit is not in the cards for me been there done that.”
“Matt you’re eighteen not ninety get your head out your ass and join the living.”
“Whatever, where the hell is she from? And how come we never knew old man Stan had a daughter that looked like that?”
“Like what?”
He thought he was so slick. “Never mind, I’ll be in my room call me when you’re ready.”
Back in my room I kept picking at it in my head. I didn’t like the feeling in my gut, or the thoughts in my head. No one reacted that way unless…no don’t go there Matt; and the question still remains what is it to you?
Dad cornered me in my room a few minutes later with Josh in tow. I rolled my eyes at my brother. He’d probably blabbed and now dad was going to ask me a million and one questions about my feelings. That’s the thing about our parents, they let us pretty much do our thing but when it came to serious shit they were all over it. I know I’d scared him and mom with my behavior of late. That on top of the way things had gone down when Josh wasn’t talking to Carrie and Nessa and I had pulled the family card and he’d ripped us new ones was probably too much.
“I hear we’ve got the college situation squared away finally. I’m glad you got your head out your ass on your own son. Your mother and I were going to take care of it for you but it’s good you came to your senses on your own.”
“It wasn’t me, it was your new daughter and your nosy ass son.” Josh gave me the finger and dropped down next to me snagging my ball in the air. I elbowed him on principal for siccing dad on my ass. “Whatever so long as it’s done; now as you know that’s your mother’s and my old alma mater. We know from our conversation with your brother and his wife that the three of you are going to be living together so your mother and I have been looking for a place up there for you.”
“Dad that won’t be necessary, I’m still not sure about the living arrangements…”