Page 9 of Blaze (Steel Brothers Saga 21)
But it is what it is, and I have to deal with the fallout.
“Any news?” Brendan asks.
“Not really. I did check in with the energy board on Friday. All the paperwork has been updated about the error with regard to the potential gas leak on your property.”
“Yeah, I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about any news on who trashed my place.”
“I was in Denver on Friday, and it’s noon on Monday. I don’t have any new news on that. Have you checked with Hardy?”
“Yes, I’ve checked with Hardy.”
“Nothing. Freaking nothing.”
“This happened three days ago. Investigations take time, Brendan.”
“I know.” He sighs.
“Brendan, we all understand,” Ava says. “What happened to you is horrible.”
“Yeah, it is. But I’ll deal.”
The scuttlebutt from Callie is that Brendan has a major crush on my cousin. Clearly he’s trying to be strong for her, to act like this doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.
But he’s still pissed. I can see it in those menacing blue eyes.
And I don’t blame him one bit.
“Your sandwich is on the house today,” Ava says.
“That’s sweet of you,” Brendan says, “but totally not necessary. I always pay my way.”
“Not today you don’t.” Ava wipes her flour-covered fingers on her apron. “This is non-negotiable.” Then she walks back behind the counter and into the kitchen.
“I guess she told you,” I say.
“I refuse to be a Steel charity case.” Brendan’s lips turn into a flat line.
I sit down across from him without being invited. “You need to understand Ava. She doesn’t take Steel charity either. You probably know this story already, but she opened this place on her own. She makes her own money, pays her employees, and doesn’t touch her parents’ money. So if she’s not a Steel charity case, you certainly won’t be either by taking a free sandwich. Take it for what it is. A gift. Because she cares.”
Brendan gazes down at the table. “You’re right. I don’t know why I said that.”
“Because you’re angry. And you have every reason to be. You think none of us have ever been there?”
He raises his head and meets my gaze, his blue eyes glaring again. “You’re a fucking Steel, Donny.”
I clear my throat but then stay quiet as Maya brings us two glasses of ice water.
“What will it be, Don?” she asks.
“The Donny. Turkey and avocado. You know the drill.” I smile.
She blushes. “Yours will be out in a minute, Brendan.”
Once Maya is back at the counter, Brendan opens his mouth, but I raise my hand to stop him.
“You’re not going to get a free pass with me today. Yes, I’m a Steel. But I wasn’t always a Steel. You know that.”