Page 10 of Blaze (Steel Brothers Saga 21)
His fair cheeks pink a little. “Look, I don’t want to get into some big knock-down, drag-out with you. I’m just fucking pissed. That’s what this comes down to.”
“All right. I’ll take you at your word.”
I force myself to simmer down. He’s angry, and he has every right to be. My early childhood is not his fault, and I’m sure as hell not about to tell Brendan Murphy how Dale and I came to be Steels. It’s none of his damned business, and I don’t want it getting to Ava or anyone else. It’s bad enough that Ashley knows. And Brock.
“What are your plans?” he asks.
“For your case? I’ve got Troy on it. I’ll probably put Callie on it too.”
Callie’s name crossed my lips before I had a chance to even think about it. I have to let her go. Does that mean I have to let her go from the office as well? It’ll be hell to see her every day but not be able to touch her. Still, I can’t take her job away from her on top of everything else.
“How long does an investigation usually take?”
“There’s no easy answer to that question. First of all, I’m new to this. Second, every case is different. From what I saw when I walked through your place the other day, whoever trashed it didn’t leave any clues at all. Now granted, I gave it only a cursory look. I imagine Hardy and his guys will go in there and bag evidence, and I’ll send Troy over as well. He’s a competent investigator.”
“In the meantime…where the hell am I supposed to live?”
“That’s where I can give you some good news. The energy board has agreed to reimburse you for a stay at the Snow Creek Inn.”
He lifts his eyebrows. “I have to tell you. I’m surprised.”
“I pulled a few strings. Cashed in a few favors.”
I hate lying. In fact, the person footing the bill will be me. The least I can do.
“I appreciate it. I really do.”
I smile—totally forced—and take a drink of my ice water.
I feel like a complete asshole. This is all my fault. I may not have trashed Brendan’s place, but it’s because of my shenanigans that he wasn’t home at the time.
Maya comes by with Brendan’s sandwich. “A few more minutes on yours,” she says to me.
“Not a problem.”
Brendan takes a bite of sandwich, chews, swallows. “I’ve been thinking, and I have no idea who would do this.”
“You mean other than some member of my family.”
“Well…yeah. Your words, not mine.”
“They were your words, Brendan. On Thursday, when you came storming into my office.”
“I’m not accusing you, Don, or any member of your immediate family. But don’t you think it’s strange that the place got trashed after I uncovered documents pertaining to the Steels?”
“I’m not going to lie to you. Yes, the thought has occurred to me. My family is not without its enemies. That’s for sure. And the more I learn about our history…”
I sigh. “I just don’t know enough to make any comment, to be honest. Suffice it to say that Dale and I are looking into a lot of things.”
“Can I help?”
“I’m afraid you can’t. It’s a family mess, and family needs to take care of it.”
“Yeah, but your family mess may have invaded its way into my life.”
“I get it. But if you were uncovering things about your own family, you wouldn’t want any other family involved.”