Page 22 of After He's Done (Forbidden Fantasies 42)
I roll my eyes.
“Okay, now you’re being dramatic.”
She shakes her head.
“No, I’m not. Samuel Coleman is the worst. I hate him even more than I hate that new villainess they have on the Real Housewives of New York. What was her name again? Minky? Mindy? Minty? Ugh, she’s awful.”
I smile wryly.
“If only our lives could be like reality TV,” I sigh. “Totally unreal with no consequences.”
Now, my friend’s brows draw together in concern.
“Is something wrong, Chris?” she asks. “I mean, to be honest, the drama that goes on on Real Housewives is pretty idiotic most of the time. It’s at the level of seventh graders catfighting, so no, I wouldn’t want that to happen in my actual life. Who would? And why are you saying that you want that?”
I look down, suddenly sad again when my friend interrupts.
“It’s because you met someone through your escort agency and you fell for him, didn’t you?”
I bite my lip and nod as a tear rolls down my cheek.
“I didn’t mean for it to happen,” I say in a soft voice. “It just happened on its own.”
Prim’s expression is sympathetic.
“Girlfriend, you know that when you joined the agency that there were going to be pitfalls. And the biggest pitfall is falling for a client. After all, if the men really are gorgeous, intelligent, successful, and rich, who wouldn’t fall for them? It’s a big problem in the profession.”
“You sound like you know what you’re talking about,” I hiccup.
Prim shakes her head.
“I mean, I’ve thought about joining Curves just to get back at my parents because they’re that annoying. Wouldn’t that throw their plans into a tizzy? But this isn’t about me, hon. This is about you. What are you going to do now that you’ve fallen for a client? Are you going to try to make it into something real?”
I shake my head and let out a defeated sigh.
“No, probably not. I mean, men don’t usually hire escorts with the goal of finding a wife, much less having a baby. I can’t do it.”
But then Prim stares at me.
“Did you say ‘baby’? Are you pregnant by this guy? Sanford, right? The one you told me about, who used to be a pro wrestler?”
I nod sadly.
“Yes, Sanford. He’s the father.”
But Prim looks confused.
“Yeah, but he’s a little more than a client by now, isn’t he? I mean, you’ve been waxing rhapsodical about your time together and you basically live with him, right?”
I shrug my shoulders and wipe a stray tear that’s dribbled down my cheek before shooting her a wry smile.
“I’d like to think we’re more than a hook-up, but who knows what’s going on his head? Sanford’s definitely more to me than just a client, but I haven’t asked him what he thinks of us. Heck, I’m not even sure there’s an “us” to be honest. I mean, he’s been paying a monthly fee to have me spend time with him.”
Prim stares.
“So he’s been forking money over these past few months.”
I nod miserably.
“Yes. Sanford pays money, and then I get paid after Curves takes its cut.”
My friend looks thoughtful.
“I didn’t realize,” she says slowly. “I thought you’d moved in with him and had found another job, and were living together like a real couple. I didn’t realize you were still getting paid.”
I nod sadly.
“I wish I’d never taken the money,” is my whispered admission. “Trust me, things would be so different if I’d just said no to the cash.”
But Prim sits up then, her brown curls bouncing.
“Well, that’s by the by. There’s nothing you can do about that now. But you can tell Sanford about the baby.”
I shrug.
“I guess so, although I don’t know how I’m going to tell him just yet. I mean, what should I do? Show him the ultrasound pics? I think he’d faint.”
Prim pats my hand comfortingly.
“You’ll figure it out, Chrissy, because you’re a smart girl. Everything you’ve told me about Sanford over the past few months makes me think he’s a good guy with your best interests at heart. I think he’ll take the news better than you’re imagining.”
I scrub my face with my hands, trying to wipe away my tears.
“God, I hope so, but I’m also afraid it could turn into a total shitshow. Like, what if he doesn’t want me anymore after he finds out about the baby? What if he wants me to end the pregnancy? My heart would be broken, possibly even more from the latter than the former.”
“Oh, honey,” Prim squeezes my hand, her brown eyes soft. “I hope that’s not the case, but if it is, I’ll be here to support you. And you know your dad and Dani will, too. They love you, even if you are a crazy bitch. But you’ve got to tell Sanford at the very least. It’s the only way to move forward, and you don’t want to wait until you start showing to let him figure it out on his own.”