Page 21 of After He's Done (Forbidden Fantasies 42)
Dr. Hofstra looks mortified suddenly.
“Oh I see. I’m sorry, Chrissy, I jumped to conclusions and that was wrong of me. This is obviously a surprise, and of course, you have choices. Many of them. Let me go get some pamphlets because sometimes, reading it can be easier than hearing it verbally. Excuse me, I’ll just be a sec.”
She disappears out the door and suddenly I feel completely numb. I stare at the wall as the word “pregnant” seems to ring in my ears. What is going on? How did that happen? What the hell am I going to do? Sanford and I have never discussed babies, and I don’t know if he wants kids at all, let alone with me. What in the world? How can this be happening?
But it’s all too clear. Of course, Sanford and I use protection but there were a few times when the moment was too hot and we went without. I know he tried to pull out at the last moment, but it just felt so good and to be honest, I wanted him to come in me. It felt amazing to be creamed, and I loved feeling his hot juices spurt inside my sweetest spot.
But now we have this: a baby in my belly. What am I going to do? Even more, the perversity of the situation is astonishing because I came in to get my pussy checked. I thought it was getting too tight, but now, I’m going to have a stretched out, totally blown pussy if I give birth to a baby. Is that good or bad? Why am I swinging from one extreme to another, anyways? Why can’t I just stay in the middle gray area?
I choke back a sob and grab my purse before dashing from the exam room. I don’t want to talk with Dr. Hofstra anymore. I just need to collect my thoughts because this is the best and the worst thing that could have happened to me at exactly the wrong time.
* * *
I schlep into the café, my shoulders slumped. I don’t really want to meet my friend for coffee, but I haven’t seen Prim in ages and we’re long overdue for a chat. I spy my buddy sitting in the corner and when she waves, I manage a small smile before going over to greet her.
“Hey!” she exclaims, throwing her arms around me. “Long time no see! Good to see you, girl!”
Primrose, or Prim as she prefers to be called, is a lot like me. We’re both bouncy brunettes in our early twenties who grew up in New Jersey. But our differences end there. Prim’s parents are uppity socialites who only care about money and status, whereas my dad is a good guy. Hunter may have a nice lifestyle, but he’s not about the material things. He’s about taking care of the people he loves, and that includes me, my stepmom and my new half-brother.
“Hey,” I say with a morose smile while sitting. “How are you?”
She snorts as the waiter comes over.
“I’ll tell you in a sec. Mimosas for both of us,” she orders.
“No, just an orange juice for me,” I say quickly. “Thanks though.”
Prim’s eyebrows shoot up.
“Really girlfriend? It’s 3 p.m. I know it’s late for mimosas, but I know how you love your bubbly. How about a Bloody Mary instead?”
I have to laugh at that one.
“Is it the right time of day for a Bloody Mary? I thought those were also breakfast drinks.”
But Prim won’t be put off.
“Okay, get her a V-8 then,” she commands the waiter. “I have no idea why my friend is being so uptight, but a healthy dose of vegetable juice will do the trick.”
With that, the waiter nods and strides away as we giggle.
“You’re so bossy,” I tease.
“You know it,” my friend nods in return. “But what’s up girlfriend? Oh wait a minute. Let me tell you the craziest thing that happened recently. My parents want to marry me off, like seriously, an arranged marriage. Can you believe it?”
I stare at her. Of course, my buddy is gorgeous and very marriageable. Prim’s wearing a pink sweater that hugs her breasts, and her long curly brown hair hangs over one shoulder. A white fitted skirt finishes off the look along with a cute pair of white sneakers. Basically, she looks like a brunette Barbie, except that the scowl on her face is anything but Barbie-like.
“What do you mean they want to marry you off?” I venture. “Is that even legal?”
My buddy snorts.
“Probably not, but ask if my parents care because they don’t! They’ve literally found me a husband and they’re being so pushy about it too! But there’s no way I’m marrying Samuel. No way. He can stick his diamond ring up his ass and then pull it out and lick it for good measure.”