Page 22 of Billionaire and the Cowgirl
I’m not stupid. In the back of my mind, I knew this could happen. Maybe I was counting on it or something. Cane and I never talked about protection. Cane isn’t dumb, either. He knew this would happen. Maybe we were both counting on it.
Birdie reappears a few minutes later. “That was close. I almost got caught. That pillow pretending to be me isn’t going to last much longer.” I can’t help but snort a laugh. I totally understand where she’s coming from.
I was surprised I was able to sneak out of the bed myself. Cane had woken, but I told him I was only going to use the bathroom. Which was what I’d set out to do, but then I found I was wide awake. I knew I’d be restless if I went back to bed. My mind was racing about a million things. It’s been happening a lot more often lately.
“It’s too soon, isn’t it?” I ask, taking the test from her hand.
“Didn’t take Calder any time to knock me right up.” I stand, pulling my sweats down to take the test.
Birdie doesn’t even offer to leave. I’m relieved that she doesn’t. I don’t want to be alone right now. “Three minutes,” she tells me when I set the test down on the counter and wash my hands. “What are you hoping the results are?”
“I’m not sure.” I worry my bottom lip between my teeth.
“You want kids one day, right?”
“Yes,” I say instantly. “I’d love to have a little girl. I was so close with my mom when I was young. I hope one day to share that with my own daughter.” Birdie’s eyes fill with sadness for a second, but she quickly hides it. “Sorry.” I reach out and grab her hand.
She got dealt a shit hand when it came to moms, but hers has been trying lately. The Justice men have been good for her. They pulled her in, treating her like the baby sister they never had. They've given her a family. She deserves that and so much more.
“No, I get it. I want to have that bond too with a baby girl one day.”
“You’re going to be a kickass mom. You’ve been an amazing friend to me,” I tell her.
I had girlfriends back in high school but I’ve always worked so much I’ve lost some of them over time. I’ve forgotten how important it is to have a good girlfriend in your life, and Birdie has been slipping right into that with me.
“It’s time,” Birdie says, grabbing the test before I can.
“What’s it say?”
“You’re not pregnant.”
“Oh.” My heart sinks. Damn, I wasn't expecting to feel so disappointed. It’s probably for the best with how my dad is and all. I suppose there’s plenty of time for a baby.
“Don’t cry.”
“I’m not going to.” I glance over to the mirror to see my eyes are filled with tears. I blink them away.
“You’re really sad about not being pregnant.” I shrug.
“Good, because you’re totally knocked up.” She turns the test around to show me.
“What the hell, Birdie!” I squeak, grabbing the test from her hand.
“See, now you know how you really feel.” She smiles brightly.
“That was a dangerous game.” I shake my head, holding the test tightly in my hand.
“We’re going to have babies together.” Birdie does a little happy dance, making the smile on my face grow bigger.
“What are you two doing?” a deep voice rumbles. I hide the test behind my back as Birdie spins around to face both our men.
“You know I hate when you leave our damn bed,” Cane grumbles.
“They’re up to something.” Calder folds his arms over his chest. Cane narrows his eyes on me.
“Come here,” he orders.
“I’m not a dog,” I snap, but my stupid feet move on their own, my body wanting to be next to him.
“No, you’re not a dog. You’re mine.” He grabs my ass suddenly, lifting me off the floor. I drop the test when I go to grab his shoulders to balance myself. I watch as it falls to the floor. I swear it seems as if it’s in slow motion. When it finally hits, everyone looks down at it.
“Surprise!” Birdie shouts. “I'm still pregnant!”
We sit around the big oak table in the dining room overlooking the south lawn eating biscuits and gravy, I didn’t realize that I was baby hungry until I saw that test fall from Astor’s hand to the floor.
The house plans Novak was working on didn’t have a nursery. I hadn’t thought of that feature, and he hadn’t recommended it, and now that’s about all I can think of. The one-story ranch needs two stories now. It should have a couple of wings for playrooms and baby rooms. There should be a wide veranda that wraps around the entire place so that we can watch the kids play. I’ll need to check the swing under the old oak. Hell, I need to double check the tree to make sure that the oak wilt hasn’t spread.