Page 21 of Billionaire and the Cowgirl
She nods mournfully. “He’s very stubborn.”
“Sort of like you,” Scooter murmurs quietly, and I’m not sure if he’s referring to me or Astor. It could apply to both.
“Well, this is a depressing topic.” Scooter claps his hands together. “And I really am not a fan of depressing things, so why don’t you table this discussion for a time when you two are alone which should be now. Not to be rude or anything, but I got work to do, so you two should skedaddle.”
“What is it that you do again because you’re not much of a farmer?” I ask, grateful for the distraction.
“I’m a tech boy. These days you can do all sorts of things from wherever you want, so that’s what I’m doing. Living on my ranch, taking care of my chickens, playing with Astor, and enjoying life.”
I intentionally ignore the Astor reference. “You got a man out here?”
“No. Are you offering?”
“Wait a second.” Astor makes a timeout sign with her hands. “If Scooter can’t flirt with me, he can’t flirt with you either.”
“I’m sorry,” Scooter replies with zero remorse. “Flirting is my default.”
“I suspect that may get you into trouble someday,” I comment.
“Someday? Why do you think I’m hiding out here on the ranch?”
With that cryptic statement, he shoos us out. In short order, Astor and I find ourselves on the porch staring at her truck.
“Let me come over and talk to your dad,” I urge.
“He’s not gonna let you talk to him. He’ll see you coming down the lane and he’ll shoot. He’s not gonna give you another warning. I know him.”
“So what are we gonna do?”
“We just need to give it time. Give me some time. Don’t pressure me.”
I slap my Stetson on my head. “Didn’t think I was pressuring you.”
“Are we going to fight now?” The twinkle in her eyes that Scooter’s teasing put there is now gone. That’s a shitty thought.
“I don’t want to do that either, but I can’t live as your secret forever.”
“It’s not forever. It hasn’t even been a week.”
I suck in a deep breath and search for my famous patience. “All right then.”
I’ve been patient all these years, so what’s a few more weeks going to matter if that’s what makes her happy? I can deal with that. I can.
“Hey,” I whisper when I see Birdie standing at the giant island in the kitchen. She’s got a mug in front of her, dipping a cookie into it. Looks like we both snuck out of bed tonight.
“Hey.” She gives me a warm smile before bringing the cookie to her mouth and eating half of it in one bite. She’s really started to show over the past month. I’ve always thought Birdie was pretty, but she really does have a glow to her now that she’s pregnant.
Damn. I can’t believe it’s been over a month since Cane got me into his bed. At times I think the last month has flown by, at others it feels as though it’s gone by slowly. I know that has everything to do with my father. “You want some?” she asks before popping the rest of the cookie into her mouth.
“Sure.” She hands me over a cookie before she goes to get me a glass of milk to go with it.
“Why are you up?” she asks, setting the glass in front of me. I know why she’s up. Birdie has been an eating machine lately. She can’t go more than a few hours without having a snack.
“My mind won’t settle.”
“I don’t want to pry, but you really are going to have to talk to your father. Waiting isn’t going to make it go away.” I sigh, knowing she’s right. “It’s eating at him. I love you, Astor, but Cane is like a brother to me. I hate to see him hurting.”
“I know. I made the man wait long enough, but my father finally started to walk. This nurse is doing so well with him. He walked three steps yesterday. I don’t want to derail that.”
“I get what you’re saying, but don’t allow this to be one excuse after another.” I nod, bringing the cookie to my mouth. The second the sweetness hits my tongue, my stomach revolts. I drop it, dashing toward the bathroom. I barely make it before the smores Cane and I had out by the bonfire last night are coming back up.
A wet towel is handed to me when I flush the toilet. “Thanks.” I take it from Birdie’s hand, wiping my mouth and cleaning myself up. Birdie leans on the doorframe staring at me.
“I got a few tests in my bathroom. Want me to grab one and you can take it?” I drop the towel into the sink, slowly turning to face her.
“No,” I breathe.
“Guessing you aren’t on anything and Cane isn’t wrapping up.” I close my eyes, a mixture of feelings rushing through me. “I’ll get the test.” She turns, leaving me in the bathroom. I debate following her, but instead, I drop down onto the toilet, needing to sit down. I take a few deep breaths, trying to get myself together.