Page 98 of Chasing Us (Dark Love 2)
He points to the locker room. I’m still confused as to what the hell is going on, but I follow his instructions. I walk over and enter the restroom. Inside, hanging on the door is a beautiful emerald green gown, almost a replica of my prom dress, with a pair of silver Manolo Blahniks. I change into the gown, which fits like a glove even though my stomach has begun to show, then walk back outside feeling extremely self-conscious. Why? I have no idea.
“Charlotte… you look breathtaking,” he whispers.
“I believe you’ve said that to me once before.”
“But this time I hope you don’t abandon me on the dance floor.”
“Lex, what is all this? I mean it’s beautiful, you’re beautiful.”
“We didn’t get to have our prom dance in front of everyone to see. I didn’t get to hold you close to me, and I wasn’t able to look at you the way I’m looking at you right now.”
“I kinda don’t want to ruin the moment, but it’s only us.”
“Is it?” he asks with a mischievous grin on his face.
I turn around, and walking through the door is Rocky and Nikki, Adriana and Elijah, Eric, Emma, Kate, Finn, and Jen. All nine of them are dressed formally in suits and gowns.
“Are you kidding me?” I laugh, unable to comprehend this moment.
“And I didn’t get to do this…” He cups my face and gently places his lips on mine. It’s the most perfect, gentle kiss, the kind of kiss that travels down to the pit of your stomach, smothering it with butterflies.
With my head nestled on Lex’s shoulders, I watch as the others dance. Each one of them dressed impeccably, smiling, laughing, enjoying this trip down memory lane. Having the closest people to me in this one room tugs on my emotions, and I can’t help the tear that falls upon my cheek. Where the hell did Hard-Ass Charlie disappear to? I’m seriously crying over the most nonsensical things these days.
“I have to confess something…” Lex speaks.
My stomach churns a little. Oh, for fuck’s sake, Charlie, he is yours, he married you!
“What is it, Mr. Edwards?”
“There is another reason why I did this.”
He removes my hands from around his neck and places them in his own hands.
“If I had known all those years ago in the treehouse that you were the one, I would have saved myself a shitload of misery. No matter what life has thrown at the both of us, here we are, standing here… together. Charlotte, you complete me. For eight years, I believed I had met my fate. I have been punished for my actions, but somehow, someone gave me a second chance at life, gave me a reason to breathe again. Charlotte, you are my reason that I stand here with a heart bursting full of love. You are the reason that in five months from now, my wildest dreams will come true. I want every part of you, and I need to do this properly. Will you do me the honor of making our family complete? Will you marry me, again?”
He kneels on one knee and opens a small black velvet box—an emerald ring is nestled perfectly inside. The diamonds almost blind me, but I shift my gaze and stare directly into his eyes, his beautiful eyes, and for some stupid reason, my tongue is tied. Am I supposed to respond? I already said yes when I married him. C’mon, Charlie, don’t leave him hanging. Gosh, if only my brain would shut the fuck up. Wait, what?
“Yes,” I blurt out.
With his eyes dancing, he gently slides the ring on my finger, kissing it softly before he stands back up and embraces me.
“You know I couldn’t say no, right? I’m legally Mrs. Edwards already,” I tease.
“Legally, yes, but emotionally, I needed to do this. This makes it real to me.”
A loud round of applause follows, along with some whistling. Rocky, of course, echoing throughout the room. One by one, each of them comes up and congratulates us. Eric grabs my hand before hugging me, rambling on about carats and diamonds, followed by more OMGs.
“It’s so great that you guys are here. Are you planning on staying long?” My words are neglected, there’s a hush, and all eyes are on Lex. Am I missing something?
“The reason why I called them here is because we are getting married tonight,” Lex adds.
“Huh? As in tonight, tonight? But we’re already married?”
He nods.
“I don’t get it…”