Page 97 of Chasing Us (Dark Love 2)
“You know babies cry all night,” he informs me.
“I know.”
“And you need to change their diapers like thirty times a day.”
“I’m aware of their bowel movements, yes.”
“And you can’t have sex for like six weeks after the birth.”
“Yes, I know…” Realization of what he’s said hits me like a sledgehammer. “Wait! Six weeks?” I ask a little too loudly, and the old lady behind Finn turns around.
He smirks, bastard. Nikki never mentioned that, probably because she was doing something else to compensate. Mental note—ask her later.
“It’ll be okay, Finn, and besides, you’re only a phone call away. An experienced parent like yourself should be able to answer all my questions.”
“Congratulations, Charlie.” He smiles.
I place my hand over his and squeeze it tight.
“Hey, I got an idea, you up for some law-breaking fun?” he asks with a mischievous look on his face.
“Sure, why not. I can always represent myself.”
“When you said ‘law-breaking fun,’ I didn’t think you meant breaking into Carmel High,” I sigh.
“Charlie, don’t you miss high school? We had so much fun,” Finn reminds me.
We stand in the hallway as I give myself a moment to take in my surroundings. It is surreal to be here again, walking the same hall I used to walk down every day. Not much has changed, the lockers are still the same, but maybe the walls have been painted. The trophy case still stands there in all its glory. Unconsciously, I make my way to my old biology classroom. The door is unlocked, and without hesitation, I find my old desk, the one sitting beside the window near the fish tank. I run my fingers over the desktop, remembering how many times I’d sit here and stare out the window daydreaming about Lex. After prom, I would sit there and daydream about how he fucked me on this very desk. I carefully lift the lid, and low and behold, there it is engraved in the corner where only I could see—the initials CM 4 AE. It was all very juvenile, but I couldn’t help but feel nostalgic over this tiny reminder.
“Finn, we should get out of here before we get buste
“Yeah. But let me take you to one more place.”
He holds my hand and leads me down the corridor until we are standing in front of the gymnasium. God, I hated this place. The number of times I was hit by the dodge ball has left me scarred for life.
“No offense, Finn, but sports wasn’t my thing back then… we aren’t going to re-enact gym class, are we?”
“Will you just shut up for just one second?”
I roll my eyes as he opens the doors.
“Welcome to prom night,” he announces.
My eyes widen at the scene in front of me. The gymnasium has turned into prom night exactly like prom night nine years ago. The disco light shines around the room, the spotlights focusing on the massive Eiffel Tower standing in the corner, just like I remember it. The Parisian street signs are arranged throughout the room. Adriana must have had something to do with this.
And standing in the middle of the room is the most perfect man dressed in a black tuxedo.
I walk toward him, trying to catch my breath and take it all in.
“Lex, what is all this?”
“Before you say anything else, I have a dress and shoes waiting for you over there.”