Page 29 of Nurse to Forever Mom
“I’d like that.” She burrowed closer to him.
Later, when nothing was left but heavy rain, Cody went to his room and returned with one of his T-shirts for her to sleep in, a blanket and a pillow that must have come off his bed. She silently groaned that she would be sleeping on where his head might have been. He dumped his armload on the sofa. “Here you go. I still wish you would take my bed and let me sleep down here.”
“I’m good here. Thanks. Goodnight.”
* * *
Stacey woke to a bang in the kitchen and the smell of bacon. Her intention had been to be gone before Cody woke, but apparently she’d been more tired than she had thought. There was another cling-clang. What was he doing?
She had to admit it was nice to wake to the sounds of someone nearby. She’d spent so much time in private housing she rarely awakened to people. There was something soothing about knowing Cody was close. Her eyelids lowered.
A large hand cupped her shoulder and shook her gently. “Stacey, your breakfast is ready.”
What? She’d gone to sleep again? Her eyes sprang open. Her gaze lifted to see Cody’s smiling face. “Good morning, sleepyhead. Your breakfast is on the table when you’re ready.”
He left her. She untangled herself from the blanket and followed close behind him.
Cody headed for the kitchen and went around the bar to the stove. There he poured batter on the griddle. She looked at the table and found a plate stacked with perfectly round pancakes, a bottle of syrup and another plate with strips of bacon on it. There was also a pitcher of juice nearby.
“What did I do to deserve this?”
“This is my thank-you for helping with the costumes,” Cody announced as he flipped pancakes. He was dressed in a tight T-shirt, well-worn jeans and wore no shoes. She’d never seen a sexier man.
“Haven’t you already done that by letting me sleep on your couch?”
Cody looked at her and shrugged. His focus dipped to her chest. Heat shot through her. She’d forgotten she was wearing his thin T-shirt with no bra. Her breasts tingled as her nipples tightened, pushing against the soft fabric. She turned and headed out of the room but not before she saw the flash of disappointment in Cody’s eyes. “Hey, Doc, your pancakes are burning.”
Stacey grinned at his uttered oath as she grabbed her clothes from the living room and hurried to the bathroom. She quickly washed her face and used the new toothbrush he’d put out for her last night, put on her clothing and ran her fingers through her hair. Checking the mirror, she saw she’d done the best she could do.
When she returned he asked, “Did you sleep well?” His voice had gone deeper, and held a gravelly note.
“I did.”
“You should have been in a bed.” His gaze held hers.
She looked at him. Had he wanted to say my bed? She tingled low at her center. How would she have responded if he had asked her to sleep with him? He wouldn’t have. He wasn’t the type of man who would take advantage of a woman when she was scared. They said nothing more for a few seconds, just watched each other.
“Your breakfast is getting cold.”
She went to the table and Cody pulled out her chair. “Thank you.” When was the last time a male had done that for her? Stacey took her seat. Cody sat. She glanced at him. He was watching her and winked. The flutter in her stomach had nothing to do with hunger.
What would it be like to have breakfast with Cody all the time? To be treated as if she were special? Even her ex-fiancé had never made her feel as important as Cody did. What was she thinking? Cody was just being nice. Her life consisted of living all over the world and his was all about hearth and home.
They finished their breakfast with Cody having a second cup of coffee and her another glass of juice.
“I have to pick up the girls in a few minutes. I can drop you off at your cottage on my way to get them.” Cody put his mug down and stood.
“Sounds like a plan.”
He began removing dishes from the table. Stacey joined in. When he ran water in the sink she bumped him out of the way with her hip. “You cooked. I’ll clean.”
He nudged her back with a grin. “My kitchen. You don’t get to tell me what to do.”
She snatched the dishrag from him.
He reached around her, enclosing her within the circle of his arms. He smelled of man and coffee. She squirmed and his hold tightened, bringing her back against his chest. It was large, firm and secure. His warmth enveloped her. She stilled. For a moment they just stood there. Stacey held her breath.
“Stacey...” He kissed the top of her head.
She turned to face him. Expectant. He leaned into her, pressing her against the counter, making his intention clear. His gaze bored into hers. A flame of desire burned in his before he blinked and it was extinguished. Seconds later she was alone, staggering to remain standing. Cody had stepped around the breakfast bar, putting it between them. “I can’t. No matter how much I want to.”