Page 28 of Nurse to Forever Mom
She didn’t hesitate before she filled her spoon. “Mmm...this hits the spot.”
Cody watched her. He wished he could be the one who had put that look of pleasure on her face. He shook his head. If he didn’t get control of his raging emotions he would jump her right here in the kitchen!
He filled his bowl and put the ice cream away before he joined her on a stool next to hers. They ate without any conversation for a few minutes with nothing but the sound of spoons against the bowls. It was a comfortable silence, the kind he’d not shared with another adult in a long time.
“You know, my mother and I always ate ice cream after one of her husbands left,” Stacey said, as if she had forgotten he was there. She lifted another spoonful of ice cream to her lips. “I hadn’t thought about that until now. I ate a lot after the second one left.”
“You did?” Cody held his breath, hoping she would continue. He wanted to know more about her. Why she thought what she did. Why she had never settled down.
“Yeah. And cried a lot too.”
“You loved him?”
“I did, but it didn’t matter. He left anyway. I never saw him again.” Hurt surrounded each of her words.
A boom of thunder and then a flash of lightning filled the air. The lights flickered then went out.
“We’re in for a strong storm tonight. Springtime in New England.” Cody went looking for the flashlight he kept in a drawer just for these occasions. There was another roll of thunder and then more lightning. “I’ll have to check the roof shingles after this one.”
He lit one of the candles, setting it on the bar. Even in the shadowy light he could see Stacey’s stricken look and pale skin. Her eyes were squeezed closed. At the next flash of lightning they opened wide and held a wild look. She was terrified.
Taking her hand, he led her to the living room, encouraging her to sit on the sofa. He took a seat beside her and pulled her into his chest. Stacey didn’t hesitate to bury her face in his shoulder. She shuddered at the next flash of lightning.
For a moment Cody’s heart caught. This was what it should be like all the time. He needed someone he could share his life with, where he could be her safe port in a storm. Could that person be Stacey? Would she let him be that for her?
* * *
The flash of lightning, the boom of thunder and rain pelting the house made Stacey jerk and put her arms around Cody. She trembled, her heart pounding. From childhood she’d never been a fan of storms. Too often she been left alone during them. Her mother had forbidden her from coming to her room. Many nights she’d huddled in her bed, trembling with fear. More than once during her travels she’d had to deal with her anxiety over bad weather alone. She curled farther into the security Cody offered.
“Are you okay?” He snuggled her tighter.
The rumble of his deep voice where her ear lay against his chest somehow eased her panic. Would he think she was silly? A grown woman worried over a storm? “I don’t like storms.”
Lightning flashed again. She shook.
“I’ve got you. I won’t let go.”
She felt safe and secure next to Cody. For the first time in her life she could say that. Peeking out the window, she said, “You sure know how to give a girl a show.”
He kissed her temple. “I can’t take credit for putting this one on but thank you anyway.”
Sometime later the lights flickered on again. Stacey slowly pulled away from Cody. “Hey.”
“Hi. You better?”
She moved to stand but he held her back. “Yeah. I should go. I’ve embarrassed myself enough.”
“You still look scared and it’s still pouring. You’re not going anywhere.”
“I’ll be fine. I’ve been taking care of myself in worse places and weather for years.” She really should get out of Cody’s arms. If not, she’d want to stay...too long.
At a distant roll of thunder he gave her a stern look. “Maybe so, but not when I’ve known about it. You’re staying here tonight. You can have my bed.”
What was he suggesting? Her eyes widened and she jerked back, shaking her head.
“I’ll sleep down here on the couch,” he assured her, bringing her back against him once again.
“I can’t let you do that.”
“Sure you can. You’ve been helping my girls all afternoon. I think it’s the least I can do.”
“I’m not sleeping in your bed!” She wanted to make that clear. Fear of the outside kept her there even discussing it.
He raised his hands in a gesture of defeat. “Okay. You can stay down here. I’ll get you a blanket and something to sleep in. You know where the bath is. There should be clean towels under the cabinet. For now I’m going to stay right here with you until the storm eases.”