Page 78 of Sophie's Voice (Sex and the Season 4)
“I’m ruined anyway, Zach. I have been since the first time you laid a hand on me. And you know what? I didn’t care then, and I don’t care now. I care about you. I will not let you hang for something you didn’t do when I can stop it. Now bring in the constable, and I will make my statement.”
Zach shook his head. “No one has ever been willing to do something like this for me. You’re putting my needs above your own. I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”
“I’m not doing it in any expectation of repayment. I’m doing it because it’s the right thing to do. You know as well as I do that it is, and I would like to think you would do the same thing for me if our positions were reversed.”
“Of course I would, only I wouldn’t be the one ruined. You would be.”
“Well, as Ally would say, that is just the way of the world. We women don’t get a fair shot. Perhaps in the future we will, but for now I have to accept life for what it is. I’m sure I will be the fodder of much gossip. But Ally, who I respect more than anyone in the world, never cared about that. Why should I? Now”—she nodded to Tate—“could you please find a constable and bring him in?”
Tate nodded and left the room.
Zach took Sophie’s hands in his own. “Are you sure you want to do this, my sweet?”
Sophie wiped a tear rivering down her cheek. “I can’t bear the thought of you locked up in here when you didn’t do anything wrong. Besides, I know who did this.”
“You do?”
Sophie shook her head. “Well, I don’t know actually, but someone has been sending me notes. I had assumed they were from you.”
“No, I haven’t sent you any notes. What kind of notes?”
“They seemed innocuous at first, but then I got one this morning. It said that Nanette would no longer be a thorn in my side.”
Zach caressed her cheek. “You could be in danger, sweet, and I can’t bear the thought of that. Tell the constable about the notes, Sophie. Perhaps they will lead to the real killer, and you will be safe.”
“I will tell him. And believe me, I don’t regret what I’m about to do. I don’t regret any of the time I’ve spent with you.”
“Nor do I. And Sophie, for what it’s worth…thank you. For saving me. And I don’t just mean today.”
Sophie smiled. She truly didn’t know what he was referring to, but if he could remember their times with pleasure, she would be all right, no matter what their future held.
* * *
After Sophie’s statement, Zach was released. However, the theatre would be closed for a few days while the inspectors continued to gather evidence. It would open again next week, and rehearsals would continue. Zach had high hopes that the production could still go on schedule. It would just require some long days and a lot of work. He had to cancel the dinner with his benefactors as well.
Something niggled at the back of his neck. Who had been writing Sophie those notes? Whoever it was had probably murdered Nanette. Nanette had been unkind to Sophie on more than one occasion and had assaulted her.
Worry nagged at him. Sophie was not safe. Whoever was writing those notes was a threat to her and had tried to frame him for Nanette’s murder. That much was clear, for the killer had used her lifeless fingers to form the letters Z-A-C in her blood.
He had to protect Sophie. As for Nanette, he’d let the inspectors do their job. He was exonerated, and though it pained him to know what Sophie would go through because of it, he couldn’t be sorry. To know that there was a person in the world who would do something like that for him…
He had never imagined being that special to anyone.
And the truth was, Sophie was also that special to him. He had to find out who had been writing those notes. Zach Newland was not a killer, but if he got his hands around the neck of whomever was threatening Sophie, he might turn into one. Her safety was paramount.
Once all of this died down, he would go to Sophie, confess his love, and ask for her hand—that is, if Brighton didn’t come to him and demand he do so first. Her stepfather may not think he was good enough for her, but he had compromised her now, and soon everyone would know. If the earl forced Sophie to marry Zach, he would have what he wanted most in the world.
Zach hoped with all his heart that she wanted him, too.
* * *
A few days later, gossip and innuendo started t
o spread. Sophie’s mother and the earl called her into Brighton’s office for the talk that Sophie had been dreading.
“Please, sit down, Sophie,” the earl said, nodding to one of the chairs in front of his desk. He sat down behind his desk.
Iris sat next to the desk, in another leather chair.