Page 77 of Sophie's Voice (Sex and the Season 4)
“I don’t care how overwhelming your evidence might be. Mr. Newland is innocent, and I can prove it.”
“And who exactly are you, my lady?”
“I just told you. I am Lady Sophie MacIntyre. I am the lead soprano in his new production. We’ve been working together for the last couple of weeks.”
“A lady of the peerage rehearsing for a musicale?”
Sophie’s cheeks warmed. “Yes. I, a lady of the peerage, am now the lead soprano in Zachary Newland’s company at the Regal Theatre. I am proud and honored to be a part of his company.”
The clerk’s cheeks reddened. “Of course, my lady. I meant no disrespect. But I’m afraid that unless you were with Mr. Newland at midnight last night, you cannot offer any proof of his innocence.”
Sophie opened her mouth to speak, but her lips trembled.
The clerk narrowed his eyes. “Oh…I see. My lady, are you sure you want to do this?”
Sophie nodded. She was sure. More sure than she’d ever been about anything.
“I assure you, telling lies to save your employer is not a wise decision.”
Sophie stood on her tiptoes to appear taller. “Who says I’m going to be telling lies?”
“I see.” The clerk shuffled some papers on his desk. “Mr. Newland is conferring with a solicitor at the moment. I will let them know you’re here. Please do have a seat.” He pointed to some uncomfortable-looking wooden benches.
Sophie nodded, walked away from the desk, and sat on one of the benches. Yes, they were indeed uncomfortable, especially on her sore bum.
In a few moments, a constable appeared and escorted her to a room where Zach sat with a man she didn’t know. “Gentlemen,” the constable said, “here’s Lady Sophie MacIntyre.”
He shut the door behind him, leaving the room.
“Sophie”—Zach stood—“what are you doing here?”
“I’ve come to prove your innocence.”
“I can’t let you do that.”
“Newland,” the other gentleman said, “if the lady is willing—”
“No.” Zach pounded his fist on the table. “I won’t let her ruin herself.”
The other man stood. “My name is Declan Tate. I’m Mr. Newland’s solicitor. I will be preparing his case for one of the barristers.”
Sophie curtsied politely. “Would you please tell him to let me help him?”
“Believe me, I want nothing more than for you to help him. My client is innocent, as we both know. And unfortunately, you’re the only one who can prove that.”
“I’m willing.”
“Sophie,” Zach said, “have you thought this through?”
“What is there to think through? I cannot let an innocent man go to the gallows when what I know can save him. Especially not you. You’re…too important to me.”
Zach’s lips trembled. “But your reputation…”
“My reputation?” Sophie shook her head. “Do you really think my reputation is more important than your life?”
Mr. Tate nodded. “The lady is quite right, Newland.”
“You’ll be ruined.”