Page 33 of Lily and the Duke (Sex and the Season 1)
“How can you say that, after all the pleasures we’ve shared? I thought we had a relationship.”
“Of course, I haven’t always been faithful to you, darling, but you’ve hardly been faithful to me, either. Still, we both knew we would end up together someday, did we not?”
“I knew nothing of the sort. I never wanted a relationship, nor did you. At least that’s what you led me to believe. Our liaison was purely physical, and although it was enjoyable, I no longer wish to pursue it.”
Amelia reached up to caress his cheek. “I don’t believe a word of that, Daniel. You and I were meant to be together.”
No spark from her touch. Nothing. “I’m afraid you’re wrong.”
She moved forward, her mouth only inches from his, her breath blowing quick puffs of air against his lips. “You know that no one else can make you feel as I do.”
Daniel grabbed her wrist. “Amelia, don’t do this.”
“I would do anything for you, you know. If there’s anything we haven’t tried in bed, although I can’t imagine that there is, I’ll do it for you. Just tell me.”
“This has nothing to do with our antics in the bedchamber.”
“Please, Daniel, don’t throw me aside. I can make you happy. Have you forgotten?” She lowered her voice to a husky rasp. “I’ll ride you hard and fast until you’re grunting and groaning. I’ll suck your cock until I’m blue in the face—”
He quickly tore her hand from his face. “Amelia, it’s over.”
Her face twisted into rage. “You are a scoundrel, Daniel.”
“My lady, I’ve been called worse by better women than you.”
* * *
Amelia flounced out of the stables, seething. Oh, she’d show him, one way or another. He was hers, and by the end of this wretched house party, he would bloody well know it.
Chapter 6
Lily and Rose returned to their chamber, sneaking up the servants’ stairway to avoid Lily being seen with wet hair and slightly damp clothes.
Rose yawned. “I’m incredibly sleepy. We were up so late last night at the ball, and now all this ruckus this afternoon. I do believe I will nap for hours. I don’t know how you were able to drag yourself out of bed so early this morning, Lily.”
“My love of art knows no bounds.”
Rose yawned again, stretching herself out on her bed. “My love of sleep knows no bounds.” She closed her eyes.
Lily lay down on her own bed. She couldn’t ever recall being quite so content as she was at this very moment. Life was too short not to extract out all the pleasure one could. Should she reconsider her decision not to go to Daniel tonight? He obviously wanted her, and she wanted him. They had no future, but she didn’t want a future with him anyway. Carpe Diem, as her Latin tutor used to say. Seize the day. And the night, she thought, giggling to herself.
She padded to the door when she heard a soft knock. A maid stood there, holding a large leather case. “Shh,” Lily said, holding her finger to her lips. “My sister is sleeping.”
“His Grace bid me bring this to you. When you’re done with it, you’re to leave it outside your chamber door.”
“His Grace? What in the world?” Lily said, as the maid scurried quickly away.
Lily sat down on her bed and opened the portfolio. Inside was the seating arrangement for dinner. Each name had been inked with a quill onto a small square of parchment that stuck without adhesive to a felt surface. It was an ingenious system. Seating could be changed at a moment’s notice. But why had Daniel sent it to her? Surely he didn’t mean for her to prepare the seating arrangement for the entire population of the house party. What would the duchess say? There were four tables, each seating fifty.
Flabbergasted, she studied the arrangement as it was. Well, there was certainly room for a lot of improvement. Rose was seated next to Wentworth. That would have to go. She moved the small name cards around. Daniel did send this to her, after all. He had said he would take care of it. Perhaps he really didn’t remember everything she had asked. She had been speaking rather quickly.
First things first. Amelia Gregory had to be far away from Thomas. Lily sat her at the outer table, the one farthest from the Duke’s. On one side she placed Wentworth, and on the other she decided on Lord Ludley, Wentworth’s bachelor uncle. He was bald and portly and he tended to salivate excessively. He was known to frequent brothels and debauch unwilling women whenever possible. Perfect.
Turning to the next table, Lily arranged Rose next to Xavier. She sat Thomas on Rose’s other side and Emma next to him. That would keep Thomas and Rose both focused on their own choices. At the next table, she maneuvered Alexandra next to Lord Victor Polk and Sophie next to Van Arden.
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