Page 32 of Lily and the Duke (Sex and the Season 1)
Lily’s heart hammered against her chest. “He…he’s marvelous on his feet. Better than Thomas even.”
“How did you come to dance with him?” Sophie asked.
“He cut in on Lord Victor, actually. I’m sure he was just being polite.”
“Dear, it’s more polite not to cut in,” Alexandra said. “He obviously wanted to dance with you.
“We only danced once. That’s hardly anything to get worked up about.”
“Of course not,” Sophie said. “But we should keep an eye on him. Maybe he has decided to court a woman honorably. He is a duke now, after all. He’ll need an heir.”
“He isn’t going to get one from me.” Lily brushed the droplets of water from her arms and torso, shaking from the chill of leaving the bath’s warmth. Or was she shaking for another reason?
Dear Lord, what have I gotten into?
* * *
Daniel was still chuckling when he returned to his stables. He should have known Lily would find the hot pool. The sight of her had been almost too much. He hadn’t been able to see her lovely body under the water, but oh, he had imagined it. If the other woman hadn’t been there, he would have stripped off his clothes and jumped in with her. And then he would have shagged her until they were both sated and exhausted.
What an amazing woman she was. Beautiful, yes, but he had never lacked the company of beautiful women. No, it wasn’t her beauty that fascinated him.
He couldn’t recall when he had been in a more pleasant mood. He hummed to himself as he put his saddle away and brushed Midnight’s coat. Midnight snorted, and Daniel grabbed an apple from the bushel basket next to his stall and fed him. “There you are, old boy.”
“Hello, Daniel.”
He turned to see Amelia Gregory holding her nose.
“My goodness, doesn’t anyone ever clean up in here?”
“This is a stable, Amelia. If the smell of horse shit offends you, I suggest you stay out of here.”
“I missed you at the luncheon today.”
“There were no men at the luncheon. Why in the world would you think I would be there?”
Amelia didn’t reply. Instead, “Why didn’t you go on the hunt?”
“I had some business to attend to this afternoon that required my immediate attention.”
“Did it go well?”
“Yes, very well.” He smoothed the curry comb over Midnight’s flanks. “If you don’t mind, Amelia, I must attend to my horse.”
“Don’t you have servants for that?”
“I prefer to take care of Midnight myself.”
“Do you mind if we talk while you groom him?”
Daniel cleared his throat. “I’d rather not. I don’t think there is anything more that needs to be said between us.”
“But there is, darling. I have wonderful news.” She reached toward him. “I have decided to forgive you.”
“Forgive me? For what?”
“For tossing me out on my arse last night, dear. Obviously something was bothering you, and I should have been able to read you better. It’s all my fault really. I want you to know that I still want to be with you, and when you’re feeling up to it, I want you to come to me.”
God. He hadn’t expected this. “I’m sorry, Amelia. I won’t change my mind. I no longer desire your company.”