Page 82 of Shattered (Steel Brothers Saga 7)
Watching her eat was a joy. She relished her food. She wasn’t worried about eating too much in front of a guy or getting fat. As much as she worked out, she didn’t need to worry about that. Plus, the stress of her job probably kept her metabolism moving at a rapid pace.
She cleaned her plate in short order and had seconds of green beans.
“Save any room for dessert?” I asked her.
“Oh, no. I couldn’t possibly eat another bite,” she said, licking her lips.
“Good,” I said. “Because that’s not the kind of dessert I was talking about.”
She fidgeted nervously. “I see.”
“Look, we don’t have to.” Though the thought of the case of blue balls I’d be nursing was nearly unbearable.
“I… I think I’d like to. I just wasn’t expecting anything, you know?”
“What do you normally expect when a man asks you over for the weekend?” I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth. She’d never spent a weekend with a man before. She’d never dated before, never had sex before…until recently. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”
“It’s okay. Most women my age have spent the weekend with a man before. It was an honest mistake.”
“Not really. I know you now. I shouldn’t have been so thoughtless.”
“It’s okay.” Her lips trembled a bit.
I stood and helped her out of her chair. I looked into those soulful blue eyes. “Ruby, I want to go to bed with you. I want to go to bed with you a lot. We give each other something. You may not realize that since you don’t have any experience, but I can truly say that what we have together is special. I’ve told you that before, haven’t I?”
She nodded. “You have. And I…enjoyed our time together very much. Too much, really.”
“What do you mean?”
“You have to understand. This isn’t anything I ever wanted. I mean…ever thought I’d want.”
“So you don’t want it?”
“No, I want it. I just don’t want to want it.” She shook her head. “No, even that’s not true. I want it. Plain and simple.”
“I’m very happy to hear that. Because I want it too. I want you.”
She fell against me, and I crushed my mouth to hers. She opened instantly, not tentative as she usually was. She was giving in. Giving in to the heat between us, the desire thick in the air.
I kissed her thoroughly, deeply, letting our tongues tangle, our lips slide together. I grabbed her ponytail, and with my other hand, began unbuttoning her perfectly pressed Oxford shirt.
She tensed under my fingers at first, but then relaxed.
Her breasts were still encased in her bra—I’d never seen her in a bra before—and I cupped one, full and firm in my hand.
We kissed and we kissed. I ached for her to unbutton my shirt as I had hers, but she didn’t. Perhaps she was feeling too timid. So I broke the kiss.
“Undress me, baby,” I said breathlessly. “Please.”
She looked around. “Shouldn’t we…”
“What? Go to the bedroom?”
She nodded.
“What’s wrong with here? I’m going to set you on the table and slide my cock inside you. God, I’m hard just thinking about it.”
“Lord,” she moaned. “All right.” She shakily started on the buttons of my shirt. “You look great in black,” she said shyly.