Page 81 of Shattered (Steel Brothers Saga 7)
“Glad you approve.”
I was beginning to feel a little self-conscious. He hadn’t tried to kiss me. Had barely touched me. Maybe this was just an overnighter between friends. I could deal with that. Not that I had a choice. Besides, I did have a ton of work to do over the weekend. I’d brought my laptop and some files.
But then he walked toward me, took my wineglass from me and set it on the kitchen table, and cupped my cheek.
Chapter Twenty–Two
I couldn’t go one more microsecond without touching her. Her cheek felt the same—smooth as silk, warm. Her lips as dark and luscious as ever. She was wearing her signature Dockers and button-down white shirt—probably her work clothes, or maybe all she had in her wardrobe—but she’d pulled her hair back into a sexy high ponytail instead of into that tight schoolmarm bun. It flowed down her back in a sleek, dark waterfall.
“Let me taste that meaty fruit,” I said, and I brushed my lips across hers.
She parted them, and I slid my tongue inside. She was more assertive in her kisses now, meeting me with her own tongue, opening her lips more freely. Still, I could tell she was holding back. We both were, truth be told.
We were testing the waters. Deciding if the chemistry we’d had on the island was still there. Had it just been an island romance between two single people whose friends were all paired up?
I deepened the kiss, groaning into her mouth.
No. The chemistry was definitely still there.
As much as I wanted to lift her in my arms and take her into my bedroom, I knew that would be a mistake. She had only just lost her virginity. I couldn’t move too fast. I didn’t want to scare her away.
I broke the kiss and smiled at her. “Hungry?” I asked.
She nodded. “Definitely.”
Did she mean hungry for food…or something else? After that kiss, any other woman might mean something else. But Ruby Lee? I knew her well enough to know she meant food.
“Then step aside while I sear some scallops. It doesn’t take long.”
“Can I do anything to help? I’m pretty good in the kitchen.”
“I already made a salad, and green beans are steaming. I’m serving the scallops over a fresh corn relish, which I already made as well. You can get that out of the fridge if you’d like.”
“Sure. Can I set the table or anything?”
Set the table? I was used to eating alone. I never set the table. I just grabbed a plate out of the cupboard, utensils out of the drawer, and served myself from the stove. I should have thought of that. I hadn’t had a woman here in quite a while.
“Yeah, that’d be great.” I gestured to a cupboard. “Plates are in there. Silverware in the drawer below.”
She fiddled around setting the table while I seared the scallops. I seasoned them only with salt and pepper. The succulent flesh of sea scallops needed nothing else. I quickly put them on a serving platter. This was all so new. All I could think about was that I’d have three times the dishes to clean up, but hey, this was a dinner date, after all.
Once all the food was on the table, I filled two glasses of water and refreshed both of our wineglasses. “Dinner is served,” I said.
She smiled and sat down.
I took her plate. “This is a dish I invented. The corn relish is made with fresh corn, a mild vinaigrette, and salt and pepper. Top it with the seared scallops. I hope you like it.”
“It looks wonderful,” she said, as I set her filled plate in front of her.
“Shit. I forgot the salad.” I got up and got it out of the fridge, tossed it in some balsamic vinaigrette, and served her some on her already filled plate.
“You gave me enough to feed an army,” she said.
“From what I recall, you’re not shy when it comes to food.”
“True enough.” She took a bite of scallops and corn. “Mmm. This is fantastic.”