Page 222 of Surrender (Steel Brothers Saga 6)
Zach walked to the kitchen, poured a cup of coffee for Dusty, and checked his watch. Only a little after nine. So he was startled when the phone rang. Sam was still outside, and Dusty made no move to answer it. He picked it up and said hello.
“Hello. Is this Sam?”
“Nope. Sorry. He’s outside. I’ll get him for you.”
“No, no. I’m calling for Dusty, actually. This is Dr. Lloyd.”
Zach’s heart thumped against his sternum. “Oh, yeah, yeah. I’ll get her for you. She’s just in the next room. Hold on.”
He ran to the bedroom, neglecting to put down the coffee so it sloshed all over his jeans. “Dusty.” He took a deep breath, handing her the phone. “Dr. Lloyd.”
Dusty put Nigel down on his bed and shakily reached for the phone. “Zach,” she whispered.
“I’m here, darlin’.” He sat down on the bed and pulled her into his lap. “We face it together, okay?”
She nodded and pressed the phone to her ear. “Good morning, Dr. Lloyd.”
Zach felt Dusty tense on his lap. His own body was wound tighter than a bowstring. Why didn’t she say something? How long did it take a doctor to say yes, you have cancer or no, you don’t?
She sat, rigid, her eyes and mouth revealing nothing to him. A lone tear fell. Shit.
“It’s okay, darlin’,” he whispered. “We’ll get through it.”
Then, “What?” She dropped the phone onto the floor. Zach reached for it and put it back to her ear.
“I’m sorry, Doctor,” she said. “Could you repeat that, please?” A pause. “Are you absolutely sure?” Another pause. “But how?”
Zach’s mind whirled with jumbled thoughts of illness and loss as he imagined the absolute worst. Up until now he hadn’t actually considered that he could lose Dusty. But now… He didn’t want to live without her. He wasn’t sure he could. Damn it, they would beat this!
“Thank you, Doctor. I appreciate you calling me so quickly. You can’t imagine what you’ve done for me. Thank you!”
She tossed the phone on the bed and then took Zach’s mouth with hers. His heart hopped. Maybe it was good news. He broke away.
“What is it? Tell me.”
She smiled, a wide smile he had never seen before. Always before, something had been clouding her smile. Now she was letting the sun itself shine through her. “It’s wonderful news.”
“I’m sitting on pins and needles here.”
“I’m all right. My blood test came back normal.”
“Thank God. What about the elevated white count earlier?”
“I was fighting a cold or something. Totally normal.”
“Yee haw!” Zach stood up with her in his arms and swung her around. “Everything’s going to be fine now. We’re going to Colorado to start our life.”
“Yes, we sure are.”
“See? You were feeling sick because of nerves. Or maybe even a little virus.”
“Or maybe a little something else.” She smiled impishly.
“What have you got up your sleeve, darlin’?”
“Nothing up my sleeve. Just a little something in my belly. Do you still want to marry me today?”
“You bet I do. Just name the time and the place.”