Page 221 of Surrender (Steel Brothers Saga 6)
“Promise me something.”
“Well, I don’t know how much time I’ll have.”
“Hush, darlin’. You’re going to have lots of time.”
“I hope so, but…”
“I don’t want to waste a precious second of it. Promise me we’ll always make love. At least once every day.”
“I think I can make that promise.” He grinned.
“I’m serious.” She caressed his cheeks lightly, ran her finger over his lips and over the edge of his beard. “No matter how tired we are. Or even if we’re angry with each other. It’s important…”
“Darlin’, I’d make love with you twenty-four-seven if I could, and I’ll never be so angry with you that I won’t love you. I promise. I’ll always desire you.”
“Even when I’m bald?” She winced, her face contorting.
He took her hands in his and brought them both to his lips, kissing each individual finger. “You’ll never be anything but beautiful to me. You’re the sun and the moon. You’re everything, Dusty. Everything. My whole world. I will always want to make love with you.”
Her smile lit up her face like the morning sunrise peeking through the window. She scrambled out of her bikini panties and impaled herself on him. Already wet, she hugged him with sweet suction.
“Love me,” she said, sliding up and down on his cock.
“I do. I do.” He reached for her breasts and tugged gently on her nipples, relishing her sighs and whispers.
She made love to him slowly, provocatively, telling him how much she loved him with each sweet stroke. He savored the closeness, savored her, holding back, enjoying the sweet caresses of her snug sex against his cock. When he couldn’t wait any longer, he reached down and thumbed her softly. Her climax came, and he let himself go and spilled into her, offering her his heart, his soul.
“I love you, Dusty,” he said.
He held her close and prayed again.
Chapter Eighteen
When dawn broke a little while later, Zach got up and helped Sam with the chores so Dusty could sleep. He attempted to feed Nigel but didn’t have much luck. The tiny kitten squalled and cried until Dusty finally woke up.
“What are you doing to that poor thing?”
“I’m sorry, darlin’. I didn’t want to wake you.”
“It’s all right. Look at the time. I need to help Sam with the chores.”
“Already done.” Zach smiled. “He and I took care of it. I wanted you to sleep.”
“You’re an angel.”
“Just the man who loves you. But I’m afraid I’m not having much luck with Nigel here.”
“I’m coming.”
Dusty rose, her peachy naked body a tempting sight for Zach. He willed himself to cool off while she pulled on a pair o
f sweat pants and a tank top. That woman could make army fatigues look sexy. He handed the kitten to Dusty and kissed her lips. “I’ll go get you some coffee.”
“That’d be perfect. Thanks.”