Page 59 of Dirty Talk (Get Dirty 1)
“You know Katrina,” one of the company vice-presidents says after playing with the app for almost an hour, “this app of yours, while I guess it’s got a feminine touch, it’s just a good app for everyone. Can we consider just marketing it to the general public, or giving it a slightly different skin and releasing it again as a partner app for men?”
“We will whip up presentations for both ideas,” the marketing guru says. “Either way, with the muscle behind this hustle . . . congrats Kat. I think you’ve got your next number one on your hands.”
The congratulations go around the table, and I feel like I’m floating, damn near seven feet tall as I walk out. Reaching my cubicle, I flop down, kicking off my high heels and rubbing my toes. Another sign that I’m getting comfortable with myself, these stripper heels aren’t daily wear any more. I still like wearing something that elevates me, but only because it makes it easier to kiss Derrick.
“Tomorrow I’m wearing stacked heel boots,” I promise myself as I pull out my phone. I hit the speed dial, knowing I might not reach him but I promised him I’d give him a call as soon as my meeting was over.
Before the call can connect, one of the company Vice Presidents, a forty-three year old tech geek named Edgar knocks on the edge of my wall. “Katrina?”
“Hi, Edgar,” I reply, setting my phone down. “How can I help you?”
“I think you can help the company in a lot of ways actually.” He says. “Because your app is streamlined and clean. What would you think about being a team leader for the new game app we’re developing?”
“Team leader? Game app?” I ask, surprised. “I’d love the opportunity, but are you sure? Games haven’t really been my experience, and most of those guys have been at it for a long time.”
“That’s exactly why you’re the man . . . woman, for the job. Bring in some new blood, different perspective than what they’re used to. Maybe find a way to bring the conciseness of your coding style to the game side because they’re always working to balance the functionality with the size and speed of the game. You’ve proven yourself and I’m confident you’ll whip them into shape.”
“I . . . of course! Can we discuss the details Monday?”
Edgar nods, flashing me a grin. “Enjoy your successful presentation. We’ll talk about the future Monday morning.”
He leaves, and I blink before a small sound from my desk makes me realize . . . “Derrick?”
“Hey Kitty Kat, I got to hear the good news,” Derrick says in my ear. “Always knew you were as smart as you are beautiful.” He’s switched to his deeper, richer voice and it fills me with heat.
“Yeah well, right now I’m wearing lined granny panties and squirming in my chair because of you,” I tease back. “Thanks.”
“Anytime, love. So, you nailed me . . . I mean, you nailed the presentation I take it?” Derrick asks, making me chuckle.
“Honey, as good as I feel right now, I’m feeling like a million bucks,” I purr, dropping my voice. “I’ve got the sexiest man in the world, and I feel like I can do any damn thing I want.”
“That’s because you can,” Derrick says. “Listen, can we get together tonight then? My place, your place, I don’t care. I just want one of us to come to the other, then we both come together. Guaranteed.”
I shake my head, and look up to wave off another congrats from one of the other coders in the cubicle crew. “Sorry babe. I was already told before the meeting, the whole Geek Patrol is going out to celebrate, and it’ll be late. I think someone’s already got their Jedi robes ready.”
“Jedi robes?” Derrick asks, and I laugh.
“I’m just kidding, we’re not that far gone. How about tomorrow afternoon, I come over to your place and we spend the whole rest of the weekend together?”
I can hear his smile even through the phone, and the naughty lilt to his voice. “Twenty-four hour wait . . . by then I’m going to be ready to pound you into total submission, my little Kitty Kat. I’ve got a confession, you’ve got me addicted to your sweet taste, your tight pussy. I need you every day, at least once a day.”
“Don’t worry, you’ve got me the same way. If I’m not getting a big, throbbing Vitamin D injection at least daily, I feel empty . . . speaking of which, I’m feeling a little empty now.”
“Oh, don’t tease me,” Derrick growls. “I’m already keeping Susannah waiting for our pre-show meeting . . . and I want to give you the time you deserve. And let’s be honest, you’re not in a place to turn on your video either.”