Page 58 of Dirty Talk (Get Dirty 1)
I pull back just as Kat starts shaking, her fingers pumping in and out of her pussy so fast that her hips jerk, and we both go over the edge. I cry out, my cock filling her mouth with my cream as Kat’s groans vibrate to the very depths of my soul. I think I say her name, but if I do it’s so swallowed up in the heat of my orgasm that all that comes out is something primal, animal.
This is the woman I love. This is the woman I need for as long as I live. “Holy shit babe . . . you didn’t miss a single bit.”
“Good,” Kat says, getting up and kissing me softly. “Now, how about some real dessert to get our strength up, and then you can have one last round before we hit the bed. And this one, cowboy, is going to be very special.”
“Why’s that?” I ask, kissing the tip of her nose. I’ve gotta have some ice cream or something around here somewhere. I eat right, but not perfect.
“Because if you want, how about you do a little research and practice for that anal episode you’re going to do?” she asks. “I figure I’m ready. If you want to.”
I look into her eyes and see the mix of desire, excitement, love, and yes, a big helping of fear in there, and it fills my heart with an intense need to do this right. “Of course. On one condition. You say stop, I stop. No judgement, no worries. Agreed?”
Kat’s eyes sparkle in tears and she kisses my chest. “Agreed.” Her voice tickles across me as she lays her cheek against my chest, wrapping her arms around my waist. “Derrick, I’m . . . a little scared.”
I lean down to kiss the top of her head, hugging her back. “Hey, no pressure. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
I feel her smile against me, “Not about that, well, not really. Just this, us. I’ve really never felt like this before and it’s scary. It feels big, and you’ve got me dreaming of things I never thought I’d be dreaming about. Like a future. Like forever.”
I take a big breath, knowing that this is a turning point for her and for us. We’ve said ‘I love you’ and meant it, and have woven ourselves together into a routine that’s become the focal point of my life, and those things are easy for me, both because of who I am and more importantly, who she is. But it’s more difficult for her to trust, to believe and hope. I want to be worthy of her heart, even if I have to earn it every day for the rest of our lives. “Kat, I’ve got you and I won’t hurt you. I love you.”
She leans back, looking up at me. “Thank you, for everything.” And with a bearhug-tight squeeze, she shifts the mood. “All right, let’s get some damn cookies!”
Chapter 20
The faces around the table look slightly less than convinced, and there’s a little bit of sweat trickling down the small of my back as the twin projectors pump heat through the room.
“So how is this supposed to be targeted to the female audience?” one of them asks. “There’s not a lot of real on-the-surface differences between your app and the competitors already on the market.”
“On the surface, you’re right,” I reply. “It’s when you get into the guts and the way the app seamlessly and uniquely integrates various systems within the architecture of the pre-existing operating system and apps that makes it a winner.”
“But what’s the marketing angle? Your user interface is rather plain. Nothing really screams feminine.”
I squirm, feeling the heat. They’re really coming at me.
“If by feminine you mean frilly laces, a lot of pink fonts and motifs, you’re right, this isn’t feminine,” I reply. “This is meant for the modern powerful female, the post #MeTooer who’s kicking ass and taking names at work and in her personal life. Because she’s making a name for herself in the office, she’s gotta look professional. So the interface does look professional . . . except that it’s going to have that perspective that’s going to give her the edge she needs in her life.”
“So twenty-first century Boss Bitch?” someone else, part of the marketing group, asks. “I like the sound of it and I think I can work with that. How’s the guts of it?”
“As good as any other app in the category, better in a lot of ways,” I say. “It’s lean. There’s no bloat, so it runs faster. Let me give you a test drive . . ..”
The meeting continues, and while there’s a few times I have to really drive my point home hard, I feel like it went easier than my last app presentation. Maybe it’s that I’ve earned at least a little cred with these people . . . but more than anything I think it’s the newfound strength and confidence I’ve had since meeting Derrick. I’ve always felt pretty confident in myself when it came to work, but I can’t help but feel him giving me more personal confidence has given me that extra leg up when talking to these guys. It’s not only that Derrick makes me feel sexy. I just feel like I’m starting to truly understand the strength and power that comes from my own femininity, and that’s a huge plus considering I create apps for the modern woman demographic.