Page 8 of From This Moment
Taking hold of his hands that are still on my hips, I bring them to my stomach and wrap myself deeper into his embrace against his chest. His erection throbs against my bottom. He leans closer, nudging my neck with his nose as I move my head to the side to give him better access.
He doesn’t waste any time before his open-mouthed kisses flutter against my pulse while he tightens his hold on me. He bites down slightly on my ear, sending shivers straight down between my thighs. Finding it impossible to stay still, I wiggle against his hardness, only to hear him curse under his breath.
He puts his hands back on my hips and starts to pull away. “If I don’t move away now, I’ll have you where you stand, to hell with anyone who walks in. Do you understand what I’m saying? I want you so damn much.”
I tu
rn around to look at him, but he avoids meeting my eyes and bends down to pick my baggage up.
Straightening, he rearranges himself with a grimace and turns down the hall, leaving me no choice but to follow him. All I want him to do is to lead me to his room to finish what he started, to put out the fire raging through my blood after having his hands on me.
While I’m having naughty thoughts, Cade stops and nudges open the door to a bedroom, which I presume is going to be mine.
As I enter, the first thing in the room I notice is the thick, dark green carpet. My feet sink into it. Looking up from the floor, I notice the main feature of the room, a large four-poster bed with a beautiful red and gold covering. There is a desk to the side with a large circular lamp taking up most of the space on its surface. Two wide windows fill one wall and give a perfect view of the pond and mountain range beyond. The room is simply stunning.
“Totally amazing,” I murmur. The sofa in front of the window is cozy enough for sleep, and is covered in the same red and gold design as the bed.
“This is a gorgeous room. Even the floor looks cushiony. I could probably sleep on it.”
Cade smiles. “I thought you would prefer this room. The bathroom is through that door and everything you should need is already in there, but if not, just let me know.” Cade hesitates in the doorway. “I’ll put your bag here and leave you to rest up. I think I’ll go and grab a shower and change, then head down to get dinner started. Are you okay with pasta?”
“Pasta happens to be my favorite meal, so yes, that sounds good. Would you like some help?” I ask to be polite, hoping he refuses because I really need some time on my own.
“No, I have it covered.” With a glance, he backs out of the room and shuts the door, leaving me alone.
God, he is so sexy. What the hell am I doing?
I let out a sigh of relief and drop down onto the bed with my eyes shut, feeling so tired and confused.
Pasta, a quick and easy meal if only I can get Rona out of my head. When I left her earlier in her room, I ran to my room to have a shower. The warm water had worked out my travel-weary muscles but the cold end doused my libido, at least a little.
My libido is in check for now, but with how out of control it is around Rona, I don’t think that will last long. I dress in dark blue jeans and a pale blue, long-sleeved, ribbed tee shirt, which hopefully covers anything I don’t want seen. Usually I wear loose trousers around the house, but knowing I’ll probably end up with a hard-on, I figure it will be more noticeable tented in trousers than restrained in jeans.
Turning around, I find Rona has approached the kitchen without my knowledge. She looks good enough to eat and having showered as well, her hair is still damp. She’s wearing some kind of stretchy vest top underneath a soft knit cardigan, which she pulls together as I give her a once over. She has paired this with what my daughter calls yoga pants and a thick pair of socks. With no shoes on, no wonder I didn’t hear her approach.
“Do you need help with anything?” Rona asks with a tender smile on her face.
“No, I’ve got it covered. Why don’t you take a seat while I get you a drink? Would you like a soft drink or alcoholic?”
“As we are having Italian to eat, I would love a glass of wine if it’s no trouble.”
“No trouble.”
I pour her a glass of Gavi as she makes herself comfortable at the breakfast bar.
“So, what do you do when not on vacation?” I ask, just as Jake comes through the door.
“Give me five minutes to change,” he shouts, dashing to his room.
“I worked for a design company. We would get a lot of business creating company logos, but occasionally I would get the chance to do something fun like wedding invitations, promotional posters for movies, and stuff like that. Actually I love creating book covers, because I’m given a copy of the book to read so I can do it justice.” She laughs. “Sometimes I cheat when I have no interest in the book and just read the book’s description, but I love to read so getting a copy of some books is definitely an added bonus.”
“It sounds like you love your job.” I drain the pasta and put everything into serving dishes.
“What about you? What business are you in?”
“I’m a lawyer, but only take the odd case, because I much prefer staying here on the ranch and keeping the training center on its toes.”