Page 7 of From This Moment
As I compliment Cade, he’s unable to hide the pleasure that crosses his face at my words.
“A landscape company in Jackson Hole looks after them, because I don’t always have the time to spend in the garden. But the section you can’t take your eyes from is my own doing.”
Pulling up to the front of the path leading to the house, Jake quickly jumps out and opens the door for me.
As I climb out, Cade tells me, “We’ll grab the luggage.”
I leave them to it and start to walk slowly up the path, taking in the view and the fresh air.
My eyes travel up the welcoming five steps that lead to an expansive front porch. The pillars supporting the front of it look like huge tree trunks and let the house blend into the nature surrounding it. Circular flower planters run around the base of the porch to create an attractive display of color. But despite the beauty around me, the intricate details of the oversized front door—so large, a giant could fit through—fascinate me.
Entering the house in front of Jake and Cade, I admire the large open plan of their home. The living room is set off to one side of the house with the entrance to what I presume to be the kitchen at the back. The staircase is as intricate as the front door as carvings wind their way up the dark wood.
When I turn back to smile at Cade, he’s holding a piece of paper with a frown on his face as he reads what’s written.
Glancing up, he notices my attention is on him. He offers a wry smile. “It looks like Beth and family have moved back home. Their house apparently is ready to be lived in again.” Cade turns back to look at Jake and me standing by the door. “I hope it won’t put you off staying with us, but if you prefer, I can phone one of my daughters to see if you’d be able to stay with them instead of two bachelors.”
“Ha!” Jake laughs, his eyes full of mischief. “You can be her chaperone and make sure I behave myself.” His mirth echoes through the room and he nudges me to make me laugh, but he doesn’t see the hurt on his father’s face.
“I haven’t needed a chaperone in a long time, thank you very much, Mr. Matthews.” I point my finger at Jake, who’s still laughing. “I don’t mind staying with two bachelors. Perhaps you should get your daughter back to act as chaperone to protect you both from me.” I offer them a wicked grin.
I can’t believe I’m staying here with two strange men, but I have a feeling I’m going to be safe.
Hearing Jake tell me that I can be her chaperone nearly tore my heart out. After what happened at the airport, I want to shout to the world that she’s mine and for everyone else to keep their distance. I know she’ll find someone around her own age, eventually, and that will hurt, even after I’ve only known her a few hours. There’s something about her that keeps pulling me toward her. Something that brings out a possessive side of me I didn’t know existed.
It surprised me when she came back with the comment about us both needing a chaperone to protect us from her. The little minx!
Jake’s comment brings me out of my musing. “I won’t be long. I’m going to go and put the truck away and then drop down to the stables to check things out, but I’ll be back later for dinner.” He looks at Rona. “Hey, do you want to come?”
My heart sinks. I really need to get a grip. She’s too damn young for me.
“If you don’t mind, I’d rather freshen up a bit before dinner.”
I feel elated when she turns Jake down.
“Okay, I’ll see you both later.” Jake heads back out the front door without a backward glance.
“Jake has a couple of horses in the stables, and that’s usually his first stop once he’s home.” I pause when I lose my train of thought, seeing Rona smiling up at me. Quickly scrambling to remember, I add, “In fact, I’m surprised he even stepped through the door before heading over there.” I return her smile.
“He must be glad to be home after his time in the hospital.”
When did Jake have the opportunity to tell Rona about his injury? Then I remember, they were alone for five minutes at the coffee shop in Chicago. He isn’t usually so open though, which gives me pause for thought.
I’m not going to be in competition with my own son over Rona, but I’m sure once Jake sets eyes on Elise again, no one else will really matter.
“C’mon, let me show you to your room. It overlooks the pond you noticed earlier with the mountain range in the distance. I think you’ll love it.” Picking up her bag, I wait for her to go ahead of me up the stairs.
She glances back at me before she takes the first step, her eyes full of wonder as she takes in my home. By the third step, I groan inwardly, realizing this is a mistake because I’m now eye level with her delectable bottom. I remember it being the perfect fit in my hands, and I can’t help wondering what type of underwear she has on under her clothes and what she tastes like. The thought of which, is playing havoc with my libido.
By the time we reach the top of the stairs, my heart has started to pound and my dick has risen.
When I reach the top of the stairs, I move forward a few steps not knowing where my room is. As I hear my bag hit the floor behind me, Cade’s hands slide around my hips, sending my heart soaring as he steps in close to me. His chest presses against my back, but as I try to turn around to face him, he stops me by tightening his grip.
“Don’t turn around,” Cade whispers, close to my ear, sending shards of pleasure through me. “If you do, I won’t be able to stop myself from kissing you, and I can’t. You have me bewitched! Already having you in my home is making me crazy. I find I can’t keep my hands to myself where you’re concerned. I think you were right when you said Jake and I need the chaperone, because all I want is you naked in my bed,” he groans.