Page 56 of Love in Flame (De La Fuente Family 5)
I pause and poke him in the stomach. “You know that you’ve covered all bases there, husband dearest.”
He chuckles and my heart melts. No one knows me as well as Diego and it feels good to be able to sit outside at his family home without fear of being caught together. But being here with Diego as we look out toward the mountain range, I know that I’ll do anything to make this man happy.
3 months later
Hearing our guests stand, Aiden nudges me in the arm and I turn to find Rae’s bridesmaids starting to walk up the aisle. My stomach quivers with nerves and excitement that I’m about to say my vows again but in front of our friends and family this time.
As my eyes land on Emelia, I try to hide the grin, but unfortunately I can’t, and I give in and let her see my amusement. She’s my twin so she’ll know that there is also love behind that for her, at least I hope she does. She looks beautiful and so happy, and if she wasn’t heavily pregnant with her first child, I’m sure she would have run down the aisle, rather than waddling. When she reaches the front, Dante, reaches out to her and makes sure she sits, much to her chagrin. When I catch her eyes I blow her a kiss and laugh.
The amusement is soon wiped from my face when I catch my first look at Rae. Her fiery hair is pinned to the top of her head with flowing tendrils twisting around her beautiful face that is covered with a light veil of ivory lace.
My breath catches in the back of my throat as she slowly moves toward me on Andie’s arm. Beside me I hear Aiden chuckle and mumble something about being brought to my knees, which of course I ignore. I mean my beautiful wife is moving toward me as though in slow motion and I don’t want to miss one second.
Her dress is ivory silk with a fitted bodice, a satin gold ribbon around her waist, and what Rae described as ‘A-line’ skirt falling to the floor.
I place my hand to my chest and whisper, “Beautiful,” once she’s in front of me. Not caring whether I’m supposed to do this before or after the wedding, I lift her short veil and kiss the tip of her nose. “Hello.”
“My legs turned to Jell-O as I watched you walk toward me,” I confess, softly.
“You take my breath away, Diego,” she whispers.
A throat being cleared interrupts us, and with a slight blush I turn us to face the minister, who smiles and starts our second wedding service.
The first with Elvis will always hold a special place in my heart, but you can’t beat saying vows to the woman you love while surrounded with family and friends.
Dancing the first dance as man and wife, we chose It’s your love by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. It’s a beautiful song and one of my all time favorites.
The man holding me so tightly in his arms looks delicious in his dark grey suit, crisp white shirt, and pale grey tie. He scrubs up really well and his butt looks so good in the slacks that my mouth has been watering all day. As soon as others join us on the dance floor, I slip my hand down to caress the curve of his tight buns.
Diego growls as I feel the bulge of his erection pressing into me through the silk of my dress. “How long until we can leave?”
“Mmm,” I mumble into his neck, wanting to get lost in my husband. “Not yet, but think of the sweet build up.”
“Honey, anymore build up and I’m going to be coming in my pants.”
I rub circles around his butt knowing what I’m doing to him. His erection is solid against my mound and stomach and the feel causes an answering arousal within me. Gripping the back of his neck, I try to get closer and end up with Diego chuckling softly against my ear. “You want me inside of you just as much as I want to be there.”
“I do, but I’m not disappearing at my own wedding…at least not yet.”
Diego pauses and then he kisses my shoulder, following it with a nip of his teeth. “I know, but I’m not opposed to a quickie in the barn.”
“There’ll be no quickies in the barn,” Aiden drawls, “and I’ll give you time to get rid of that,” he nods at Diego’s groin causing me to giggle, and Diego to blush, “by dancing with the bride.”
“Really?” Diego complains.
“Yes,” Aiden rolls his eyes, “really. Your mom is waiting to dance with you.”
Diego’s’ eyes momentarily widen and then he laughs. “Well that got rid of that.” He kisses my lips and then shaking his head he moves toward his parents.
Aiden takes me into his arms and laughs. “You have him so wrapped around your little finger that I’m loving this. So are the rest of us.”