Page 55 of Love in Flame (De La Fuente Family 5)
Lucia releases my face and steps back into her husband’s arms. I wrap my own arms around Diego’s waist.
“Can we start over, Lucia? I want to move forward with Diego, Andie, and all of your family.”
She nods through her tear soaked face. “I’d like that.”
Clearing his throat, Diego kisses the top of my head. “Let’s go and put Emelia out of her misery.”
With a nudge from behind, he ushers us out of the kitchen with Andie in the lead. A hand on my arm holds me still as he lets Andie go and greet the others.
Diego turns me around and lays his warm hands softly against my face. “Are you really going to be able to put everything my mom has said out of your mind to start over?”
“Yes.” I reach up and quickly place a kiss to his lips. “I didn’t lie and she did hurt me, but she’s your mom and I know she only wants what’s best for you. So yes, I can put it behind me. Just don’t expect us to be best of friends, at least for a while.”
“You’re an amazing woman and I’m so glad that you’re mine.”
As Diego leans in to kiss me, a large arm wraps around his shoulder. “No making out with girls inside the house. You know the rules, bro,” Eric jokes.
“I wasn’t making out with girls, I was making out with my wife.” He bends and hovering over my mouth, whispers, “Ignore him, he’ll go away.”
“I don’t think he will.” Giggling as I pull away, I watch while Diego’s brother drags him away and when I turn to see what’s going on, I find myself facing an uneasy looking Aiden.
He has his hands in his pockets and because I know him well, I know he’s nervous. “Will you come outside with me for a minute? I have something to say without the ruckus in the background.”
Nodding, he ushers me through the side entrance and on to the porch. I settle myself on the porch swing while Aiden crouches in front of me, his head bowed.
“I’m so sorry, Rae.” He meets my gaze. “I know I let you down the other day at the hospital, and I feel sick over it. So does Sarah. We just stood there while Lucia ordered you out of the room.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “I was stunned to hear that you were married and if I’m honest, I was a little hurt as well. You’re one of my best friends, Rae, and you hadn’t told me a single thing.” He stands and moves to lean against the porch railing.
“I felt sucker punched…but that’s no excuse for doing nothing and I’ll never be able to apologize enough for that.”
Moving closer to him, I take his hands into mine and tell him, “I was upset and hurt that you just stood there when I really needed someone in my corner, but Lucia and
I have decided to have a fresh start and to put everything behind us, so I think we need to do that too. We’ve been friends too many years not to.”
He leans forward and kisses me on the forehead. “Yes, we have,” he agrees before his eyes focus on something behind me.
I turn.
“I wondered where you’d gone,” Diego comments. “You two good now?”
I glance at Aiden who winks before glancing back at his brother. “We are…so, when are you both going to get married for us to be in attendance?” Aiden cocks a brow and looks between us.
It’s something that hasn’t crossed my mind since Vegas with what happened to Diego and then the anger between everyone.
“We’ll arrange something,” Diego answers, although evasive.
Aiden lets it go before lightly punching Diego in the arm as he walks past.
We watch him go and then Diego tugs me on to his lap as he sits on the porch swing. “I need to make sure you’re really all right.”
I raise a brow at his words and giggle when he nuzzles into my neck, causing all kinds of reactions throughout my body. I wiggle closer and smile softly when his erection nudges my hip. My lips hover a whisper away from his. “It’s going to take me time to get used to coming to your family home without the nerves in my belly, but after today it will be easier.”
“You’re part of my family now, Rae. That means you come and go as you please and the more you do, the easier it will be…besides, we have a wedding to plan.”
Groaning, I drop my forehead to his shoulder. “Really?”
Diego chuckles while tugging me closer. “I want you in a sexy wedding dress with all our friends and family around us. I want to see you walking down the aisle with Andie.
Aiden is going to be my best man, he’s no choice because I wouldn’t have met you but for him. But most of all, I want everyone to know that you’re my wife and we’re going to do it in style.” He winks. “Now tell me what you want?”