Page 13 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 4
“Yes, Dear.” Isaac kissed Meg, like really slapped a kiss on her lips. “Follow me.” He started going upstairs and turned, “The floors in this old farmhouse creek.”
I glanced at Jenna and watched her smile slip before it was back on her face. There would be no sneaking about. It made me sad, in a way. I’d make it work one way or another because I knew Jenna would want to be with me too.
Baby Conor slept in my arms and was more peaceful than his twin brother, Callum, who was restless on his grandma. The sweet babies looked so fragile and, at first, I’d been scared to hold one, when Luci had told me to sit and plonked Conor in my arms. I couldn’t complain; he was a sweet baby. I didn’t think I’d held such a new baby before and this one made my ovaries tingle.
I was too young to think about kids when I had a few months left of school and I had no clue as to what I wanted to do. I had no job lined up. I hadn’t even given thought to interviews. I wasn’t sure what I expected, but when I got back, I needed to think long and hard about what I wanted. I knew Dylan would always be at the top of that list. Things had to work out between the two of us once we were back home. It had to.
Sighing heavily, I slipped my little finger into Baby Conor’s palm and his fingers tightly closed around it.
“You had a worried look on your face,” Luci commented. “I’m sure my sleeping son hasn’t done anything to cause that.”
“Oh no. You have the sweetest baby.”
“Hmm. I bet it has everything to do with that gorgeous man who is also staying with my in-laws?”
Laughing, I admitted. “You would be correct.” I stared at the little boy in my arms and smiled softly before giving his mother my attention. “Aunt Meg and Uncle Isaac are doing their best to keep Dylan and I apart.” I shrugged. “I know I’m here to spend time with family, but I want to spend my time with Dylan, too. We need to get to know each other better before we head back to Boston.”
“I get it, Jenna. I do. They did their best in interfering with Dermot and me.” She smiled. “But in the end, it turned out they were testing us. To see if we still wanted each other when kept apart.” Her hand squeezed my knee. “You’ll see. It will all work out in the end.”
“I hope so.” I changed the subject. “I’m in love with Ireland. Although, it’s all been covered in snow so far.”
“I love it here. Wouldn’t exchange what I have for anything in the world. Dermot, the twins, our parents. We’re lucky Jenna. When you find the man you’re meant to spend the rest of your life with, hold on to him. Hold on tight and don’t be afraid of saying what you want.”
“That sounds like you have experience.”
“I do,” Luci said, opening her top to feed Conor, who was nuzzling at my breast, looking for milk. “Pass me my son, please.” She took her son and got him settled. “Dermot had a reputation for being a lady’s man. Turned out to be a load of shit. Didn’t stop the popular girls from spreading lies and rumors. In the end, I told him to make a choice because I was tired of fighting for him when he didn’t fight for me. I walked away and prayed he would follow.” She grinned. “I didn’t get far and, in front of everyone at my graduation, he told me it was me. That it always had been.”
She took Conor from her breast and started burping him. “If Dylan is the one for you, then he’ll be there for you once my in-laws stop interfering.” She winked, and whispered, “Behind the barn can’t be seen from the house and it’s the only place no one coming along the back road can see.” Her eyebrows wiggled. “Thought that information might come in handy.”
“I’ll remember that!”
“What are you girls giggling about?” Aunt Meg asked, raising a brow. “And while you’re at it, Callum is looking for food.”
“Jeez, I’m going to have boobs down to my knees,” Luci muttered but with cheer as she passed Conor back to me.
“I’ll still love your boobs,” Dermot stated walking in the door, “no matter what size or shape they are. They’re all mine!”
Aunt Meg stood and tapped him upside the head. “Keep those thoughts to yourself.”
Dylan and Isaac walked in behind Dermot. Searching the room for me, Dylan’s eyes went soft when he found me. A grin spread across his face as he moved closer and kissed me on the top of my head.
“You look cute with a baby in your arms.” He didn’t look at me but concentrated on sleeping Conor. “He’s tiny.”
“Babies usually are.”
“I remember seeing my cousin, Sirena’s, baby when she was born. McKenna was big.” He grinned. “Sirena said it was Garrett’s fault for being, um, big.”
A blush crept on my face. “You mean—” I glanced at Dylan’s lap before meeting his smirk.
“That’s exactly what I mean.” Dylan reached out and caressed along Conor’s small hand. “My sister is expecting her first child.” He smiled. “Derek, her husband, is twenty-three years older than her so I wasn’t sure he’d want children. I told you about them before and his son is married to my cousin, Charlotte.”
“I remember you saying that.”
He nodded. “Derek is paranoid about something happening to her, so she can’t wait to welcome their daughter, so he’ll settle down. He’ll probably worry about the baby then. He’s a good man and I’ve never seen her as happy.”