Page 12 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 4
Jenna slipped out of the car and winked before she joined her uncle. Me, I leaned against the car and looked up to the sky as snow started to fall again. Isaac knew something was going on between us. I hadn’t hidden it well there at the end. I didn’t actually care. I didn’t care who knew. Jenna was a girl in a million, and she was mine. At the same time, I didn’t want to embarrass her with her family. Maybe she’d find it awkward.
“Too tired to help?” Jenna dropped my bag at my feet and raised a brow. “I enjoyed getting you that way,” she added in a whisper. “Really enjoyed.”
I rolled my eyes and picked my bag up. “I know what you’re doing.”
“What am I doing?”
“You’re trying to see how long it takes before I have you in my arms. Pushing my buttons.”
“How am I doing?”
“I don’t think you’d appreciate it if I pinned you up against your uncle’s house and had my wicked way with you. Like, right now,” I hissed, and leaned in, and whispered, “I can’t stop thinking about what it feels like to have my cock buried deep inside your wet pussy.”
“Dylan! That isn’t fair.”
I grinned and indicated for her to go ahead of me into the farmhouse. It was exactly as I’d pictured i
t inside; a large, green range cooker was across the kitchen and an open fire blazed in the small hearth in the family area— the combination made the room toasty warm.
“Aunt Meg,” Jenna replied, running toward the older woman.
They hugged and Jenna held her hand out toward me. I glanced between her hand and her face and thought fuck it. I dropped my bag and took her hand.
“This is Dylan McKenzie.” Jenna squeezed my hand and let go, but not before her Aunt noticed.
“Dylan, it’s nice to meet you. Your father didn’t tell me what a handsome devil you are.” She smiled and laughed. “I’m Megan McCormick, Isaac’s better half, but most people call me Meg.”
“Thank you for having me, Meg.”
“Anything for a McKenzie,” Isaac said, making himself comfortable at the kitchen table. “Sit, have a brew and then I’ll show you to your rooms.” He watched me closely as he spoke.
“That would be grand.”
Jenna nudged my ankle under the table. “Grand?” She smirked.
“Hey, don’t knock my attention to detail.” I nudged into Jenna and then indicated with my head toward Isaac and Meg when they exchanged looks between each other.
Jenna grinned. “Nothing is secret around you, Dylan McKenzie.”
“She’s my girlfriend,” I said and grinned having spoken those words for the first time. “It has a nice ring to it.”
“We’d already guessed that.” Meg stood with her hands on her hips, a dishcloth hanging from one side. “You’ve done nothing but look at each other since you walked in.”
“Separate rooms still.” Isaac said. “We’re modern, but not that modern.”
“Don’t worry.” Jenna stood and moved to hug her uncle. “I’m sure we’ll manage.” She winked across the table.
“Your cousin Dermot will be here tomorrow,” Isaac said into the silence. “He’ll take you over to his place to meet his wife and new babies. I’ll take Dylan with me.”
“Babies?” Jenna perked up, ignoring the fact that we wouldn’t be spending Christmas eve together.
“Yes,” Meg said, joining us at the table. “We have Callum and Conor, who arrived a week ago. I told your mother, Jenna. She asked me to keep it quiet as a surprise for you.” She smiled. “Luci is exhausted the poor thing, but she’s at least back on her feet.”
“I’m not surprised she’s exhausted with twins. I bet Mom wishes she’d come over with me. She loves babies. Just the thought scares me to death.” Jenna glanced at me and smirked. “Twins, Dylan. Twins scare me.” Giggling, Jenna moved and kissed my cheek before giving her attention back to her aunt and uncle. “Anyways, Mom and Dad send their best wishes for a good Christmas. They’re currently snowed in back in Vermont.” She tried to hide a yawn. “Would it be okay for me to have a lie down for a short time?”
“Of course it is.” Meg turned to Isaac. “Show them to their rooms please.”